Passive RF and microwave integrated circuits are made up of distributed elements, lumped elements, or combinations of both these types of elements. Distributed elements consist of segments of transmission lines of the different types that we have discussed in the preceding chapters. These transmission-...
If a complex network of these elements is to be connected, then all of the nodes should be assigned a number. Once the numbers are assigned, appropriate elements are selected in COMSOL Multiphysics and the node numbers are prescribed along with the properties of the elements, such as stiffness...
Yarman, A computer aided design technique for lossless matching networks with mixed lumped and distributed elements, Int. J. Elec. Comm. (AEU), 58, pp.424-428, 2004.A. Sertbaş, B.S. Yarman, "A computer aided design technique for lossless matching networks with mixed lumped and ...
athese immittances are not realizable with a finite number of lumped elements, because of the distributed nature of the transmission line; however, a working approximation can be obtained if the electrical length is small enough. In fact, this is the foundation of artificial transmission lines: ...
ers, is uniform, the discreteness of the gain is not an important factor: in that case, it is enough to demand that the gain averaged along the link is in balance with the uniformly distributed loss. In particular, if the undamped uniform nonlinear system supports solitons, it is easy to...
Lumped elements may also be realized by direct deposit on the substrate using thickor thin‐film techniques. A lumped element can in fact be considered as a "signal strip," albeit of somewhat complex geometry. The most common distributed elements are series transmission lines, shunt open stub ...
distributed elementslumped elementsmatching networkmixed element lossless two‐portsFor almost half a century, one of the major concerns of the circuit and microwave community has been the insertion loss synthesis with mixed lumped and distributed elements. This chapter extends the simplified real ...
In this chapter, we discuss analog filter structures, i.e., doubly resistively terminated reactance networks, that can be designed to be optimal from an element sensitivity point of view. These analog filter structures will in Chaps. 10 鈥 12 be used in the derivation of their digital ...
1984. Analysis of lumped and distributed elements models of cut muscle fibers in Vaseline or sucrose gap preparations. Biophys. J. 46:625-630.Andrietti F, Bernardini G, Peres A. Analysis of lumped and distributed elements models of cut muscle fibers in vaseline or sucrose gap preparations. ...
1984. Analysis of lumped and distributed elements models of cut muscle fibers in Vaseline or sucrose gap preparations. Biophys. J. 46:625-630.Andrietti F, Bernardini G, Peres A. Analysis of lumped and distributed elements models of cut muscle fibers in vaseline or sucrose gap preparations. ...