To be more specific, be careful if you managed to do this: Java: Resume coroutine | | v Lua: Call Java Function | | v Java: Call Lua Function | | v Lua: yield Just don't letlongjmpmess up theJVMcall stack. luajn module
do goto x local a ::x:: end My compiler does not currently allow this, treating it as a jump into the scope of a local variable. I consider this a bug, and will probably fix it sooner or later... Note that AFAIK there is nothing in the Lua spec that implies this is allowed, ...
local neighbor_directions = {} local all_directions = {{1, 0}, {-1, 0}, {0, 1}, {0, -1}} for _, direction in pairs(all_directions) do local nx, ny = x + 2 * direction[1], y + 2 * direction[2] local is_extra_ok = (math.random(100) <= percent_extra) -- Add `...
block将把name作循环变量。从第一个exp开始起,直到第二个exp的值为止,其步长为 第三个exp。 更确切的说,一个for循环看起来是这个样子 for v =e1,e2,e3doblockend 这等价于代码: do localvar,limit,step= tonumber(e1), tonumber(e2), tonumber(e3) if not (varandlimitandstep) then error() end ...
What should you do?The most common workaround is simply to add the user to the Administrators group. Sometimes this is done by a helpdesk technician seeing if that fixes the problem. The technician then forgets to remove the user from the Admins group, inevitably leading to another helpdesk ...
obs_data_create_from_json(json_s) for _,v in pairs(default_hotkeys) do local a = obs.obs_data_get_array(s, h = obs.obs_hotkey_register_frontend(,v.des,v.callback) obs.obs_hotkey_load(h,a) obs.obs_data_array_release(a) end obs.obs_data_release(s) end ...
local reswhile (i >0)dores ='lpush',KEYS[1],math.random()) i = i-1endreturnres EOF r.del(:mylist) puts r.eval(RandomPushScript,[:mylist],[10,rand(2**32)]) 每次执行该脚本时,结果列表都将具有以下元素: > lrange mylist0 -11)"0.74509509873814"2)"0.87390407681181"3)"...
local can_move, new_pos = self:can_move_in_dir(self.dir, grid) while not can_move do set_new_dir(self, deltas[math.random(4)]) can_move, new_pos = self:can_move_in_dir(self.dir, grid) end self.old_pos = self.pos -- Save the old position. ...
此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: master 克隆/下载 git config --global userName git config --global userEmail 分支9 标签33 贡献代码 同步代码 felixDetect missing first argument in calls and...0f525b13年前 ...
localsock =assert(ngx.req.socket())localdata =assert(sock:peek(1))-- peek the first 1 byte that contains the lengthdata =string.byte(data) data =assert(sock:peek(data +1))-- peek the length + the size bytelocalpayload = data:sub(2)-- trim the length byte to get actual payloadng...