在Lua中,遇到“number has no integer representation”这个错误通常是因为尝试将一个浮点数转换为整数,但该浮点数无法精确表示为整数,或者超出了整数的表示范围。以下是对这个问题的详细解答: 1. Lua中数字类型的特点 Lua中的数字类型(number)是统一的,不区分整数和浮点数。在Lua 5.3及之后的版本中,数字可以是64位...
float 除法会对得到的商向负无穷取整,数值的类型保持不变,如果结果是 float 就是 float,是 integer 就是 integer(符合通用规则)print(3 // 2) --> 1 print(3.0 // 2) --> 1.0 print(6 // 2) --> 3 print(6.0 // 2.0) --> 3.0 print(-9 // 2) --> -5 print(1.5 // 0.5) --> ...
3. 带两个整型参数m,n时,获取的是[m,n]范围内随机整数注意Lua5.3以后,参数一定要为整数,否则会返回错误: bad argument #1 to 'random' (number has no integer representation)]]math.random(10,30) 为避免伪随机,为何要使用os.time()获取系统时间秒数作为种子呢?接下来我们看下lua中的random,randomseed在...
stdin:1: number has no integer representation > math.random(1, 3.5) stdin:1: bad argument #2 to 'random'(数值没有用整型表示) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 3. 使用函数 math.tointeger,可以把数值强转为整型值:(强转整型) > math.tointeger(-258.0) --> -258 > math.tointeger(2^30) --> ...
-- 请注意Lua5.3以后,参数一定要为整数,否则会返回错误:bad argument #1 to 'random' (number has no integer representation) math.random(10, 30) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 为何避免伪随机,我们为何要使用os.time()获取系统时间秒数作为种子呢?接下来我们将从lua进入c中一层层的random,random...
> 4.0 | 0 4 > 2.0^5 32.0 > 2.0^5 | 0 32 > 2.3 | 0 stdin:1: number has no integer representation stack traceback: stdin:1: in main chunk [C]: in ? > math.random(4.5) stdin:1: bad argument #1 to 'random' (number has no integer representation) stack traceback: [C]: in...
-- bad argument #1 to 'random' (number has no integer representation)math.random(10,30) * 判断table是否为空,可使用next(***),比如: --注意:next从本质上来说,就是pairs遍历table时,用来获取下一个内容的方法 -- 因此使用next判断的话,不得赋予table新的元素,否则结果是未知的。iftableDataandnext(...
tshark: Lua: Error during loading: r_t.lua:26: bad argument#1 (closed)to 'set' (number has no integer representation) stack traceback: [C]: in method 'set' r_t.lua:26: in main chunk Sample capture file None, but LUA script for reproduction.r_t.lua ...
bad argument #2 to 'format' (number has no integer representation) In the format() function of the string lib, you can use%.0f: local cores = gh_gml.get_gpu_cores(0) local str = string.format("GPU 0 cores: %.0f)", cores) ...
Can not convert float to integer. > msg = { n32 = 1.1 } > pb.encode("test.TestMsg", msg) stdin:1: bad argument #-1 to 'encode' (number has no integer representation) Enum is integer, but input string enum will be converted to integer. ...