nil, boolean, number, string, userdata, function, thread, and table. type()可以获取一个变量的类型, print(type("Hello world")) --> string print(type(10.4*3)) --> number print(type(print)) --> function print(type(type)) --> function print(type(true)) --> boolean print(type(nil)...
aTable[1]) io.write("Number of Items: ", #aTable, "\n") table.insert(aTable, 1, 0) io.write("First : ", aTable[1]) -- remove table.remove(aTable, 1) -- convert to string print(table.concat(aTable, ", "))
尽管字符串和数字可以自动转换,但两者是不同的,像10 == "10"这样的比较永远都是错的。如果需要显式将string转成数字可以使用函数tonumber(),如果string不是正确的数字该函数将返回nil。 line = -- read a line n = tonumber(line) -- try to convert it to a number if n == nil then ...
如果需要显式将 string 转成数字可以使用函数 tonumber(),如果 string 不是正 确的数字该函数将返回 nil。 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 a line n=tonumber(line)--tryto convert it to a numberifn==nil thenerror(line.." is not a valid num...
There is no simple way to have nils inside Lua arrays, this is a result of Lua table semantics, so when Redis converts a Lua array into Redis protocol the conversion is stopped if a nil is encountered.Lua是动态类型语言,所以变量没有类型,仅值有类型。值可以被存储在变量中,作为...
一个明显的好处:t[tonumber(2LL)] 确实指向与t[2]相同的插槽。 否则,对64 位整数或复数使用 tostring() 或将 cdata 聚合的多个字段组合到 Lua 字符串(例如,使用 ffi.string ())。然后在索引表时使用生成的 Lua 字符串作为键。 使用FFI 库提供的 C 类型创建您自己的专用哈希表实现,就像在 C 代码中一...
There are eight basic types in Lua: nil, boolean, number,string, function, userdata, thread, and table. The type nil has one single value, nil, whose main property is to be different from any other value; it often represents the absence of a useful value. The type boolean has two valu...
If the number of queued connect operations is equal to backlog, subsequent connect operations will fail and return nil plus the error string "too many waiting connect operations". The queued connect operations will be resumed once the number of connections in the pool is less than pool_size. ...
// lj_obj.h/* Macros to convert a GCobj pointer into a specific value. */#define gco2str(o) check_exp((o)->gch.gct == ~LJ_TSTR, &(o)->str)#define gco2uv(o) check_exp((o)->gch.gct == ~LJ_TUPVAL, &(o)->uv)#define gco2th(o) check_exp((o)->gch.gct == ~LJ...
lua支持的类型有以下几种:nil、boolean、 number、string、userdata、function、thread 和 table。使用type函数可以用来测试变量的类型,如: t = 10 print(type(t)) -- number t = "hello world" print(type(t)) -- string t = type print(type(t)) -- function ...