基于ICEEMDAN LSTM BNN的短期光伏 发电功率概率预测 王清亮,代一凡,王旭东,郝 帅 (西安科技大学电气与控制工程学院,陕西西安710054)摘 要:针对短期光伏发电功率建立精准概率预测模型是提高电网安全稳定运行的重要手段。为了提高非晴空条件下光伏发电功率预测的精度和稳定性,选用具有优良...
基于ICEEMDAN-LSTM-BNN的短期光伏发电功率概率预测 认领 被引量:4 Probabilistic prediction of short-term photovoltaic power based on ICEEMDAN-LSTM-BNN 在线阅读 下载PDF 引用 收藏 分享 摘要 针对短期光伏发电功率建立精准概率预测模型是提高电网安全稳定运行的重要手段。为了提高非晴空条件下光伏发电功率预测的...
A structure that contains the parameters of a long short-term memory (LSTM) layer. iOS 14.0+ iPadOS 14.0+ macOS 11.0+ Mac Catalyst 14.0+ tvOS 14.0+ watchOS 7.0+ visionOS 1.0+ typedef struct BNNSLayerParametersLSTM { ... } BNNSLayerParametersLSTM; ...
struct BNNSLayerParametersLSTM Overview Use a BNNSLayerParametersLSTM structure to define the parameters of a long short-term memory (LSTM) operation. Topics Initializers init(input_size: Int, hidden_size: Int, batch_size: Int, num_layers: Int, seq_len: Int, dropout: Float, lstm_flags: UInt...
Compared to the SARIMA-GARCH model, the proposed LSTM-BNN model outperforms in predicting both the mean and interval of the traffic flow. Especially, the experiments show that the LSTM-BNN model is superior during the daytime and under non-seasonal traffic conditions. The proposed LSTM-BNN ...
The number of elements in the input. iOS 14.0–18.0DeprecatediPadOS 14.0–18.0DeprecatedMac Catalyst 14.0–18.0DeprecatedmacOS 11.0–15.0DeprecatedtvOS 14.0–18.0DeprecatedvisionOS 1.0–2.0DeprecatedwatchOS 7.0–11.0Deprecated var input_size: Int
P var input_gate: BNNSLSTMGateDescriptor P var forget_gate: BNNSLSTMGateDescriptor P var candidate_gate: BNNSLSTMGateDescriptor P var output_gate: BNNSLSTMGateDescriptor P var hidden_activation: BNNSActivation func BNNSComputeLSTMTrainingCacheCapacity(UnsafePointer<BNNSLayerParametersLSTM>) -> Int func...
/ BNNSLayerParametersLSTM / hidden_activation Language: API Changes: NoneInstance Property hidden_activation Hidden activation function, which uses default tanh activation. iOS 14.0+ iPadOS 14.0+ macOS 11.0+ Mac Catalyst 14.0+ tvOS 14.0+ watchOS 7.0+ visionOS 1.0+ var hidden_activation: BNNSActiv...
struct BNNSLayerParametersLSTM Overview Use a BNNSLayerParametersLSTM structure to define the parameters of a long short-term memory (LSTM) operation. Topics Initializers init(input_size: Int, hidden_size: Int, batch_size: Int, num_layers: Int, seq_len: Int, dropout: Float, lstm_flags: UInt...