The Irish lower secondary science curriculum emphasises the development of scientific literacy through the use of inquiry teaching and learning approaches. The Science in Society Investigation assessment in this curriculum requires students to carry out inquiry into socioscientific issues (SSI). This ...
In this paper we characterize curriculum for educational robotics which we iteratively developed within our dissertation research. We developed 11 activities with complex methodical materials, which teachers can productively integrate into their daily te
Cambridge Board Lower Secondary Stage 7 Exam Summary The Cambridge Board offers a wide range of subjects and gives schools flexibility in how to offer them to the students. They support schools in developing a curriculum that suits their culture, context, and ethos and that they can tailor to ...
The Essential Science for Cambridge Secondary 1 series provides complete curriculum framework coverage for Stages 7-9. It has been written by an experienced author team and provides a seamless link into Cambridge IGCSE, maximising students' potential. The Stage 8 Workbook supports and supplements the...
The report warns that allocation of any revenue increase to FSE will reduce investment in other competing sectors of the economy. In Nigeria, the curriculum of the nation's senior secondary schools (SSSs) is to undergo a complete overhauling with students learning a trade as well as civic educa...
The purpose of this paper is to determine how much environmental text is rich with illustrations in the textbook that interpret biological science in the primary and secondary schools. The textbooks of lower elementary education are the richest with illustrations (30.34%), and the other hind, the...
Essential Science for Cambridge Lower Secondary: Stage 7 Workbook 剑桥初中基础科学 第7阶段练习册 Mike Wooster 内容简介 The Essential Science for Cambridge Secondary 1 series provides complete curriculum framework coverage for Stages 7-9. It has been written by an experienced author team and provides ...
Syllabi in the science subjects, biology, chemistry and physics at lower and general upper secondary school are compared in the light of their underlying philosophies, goals, objectives and recognized importance in science teaching. Even though all syllabi were prepared within the same framework, great...
The purpose of this study is to establish levels from an inductive proof to an algebraic demonstration in lower secondary school mathematics. I propose tha
The Essential Science for Cambridge Secondary 1 series provides complete curriculum framework coverage for Stages 7-9. It has been written by an experienced author team and provides a seamless link into Cambridge IGCSE, maximising students' potential. The Stage 9 Chemistry Workbook supports and supplem...