Total protein levels were normalized to β-actin 1/5000 (mouse monoclonal; Sigma-Aldrich Cat# A5441, RRID: AB_476744). RNA extraction and quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) Total RNA was isolated using Trizol reagent (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA). A Hybrid...
2012. A low-protein, high-carbohydrate diet increases fatty acid uptake and reduces norepinephrine-induced lipoly- sis in rat retroperitoneal white adipose tissue. Lipids, 47(3): 279-289. doi:10. 1007/s11745-011-3648-8. PMID:22228227....
We have found that in early and prodromal Alzheimer patients raised plasma levels of NfL protein, a marker of axonal neurodegeneration, are inversely correlated with raised levels of PK11195 binding, a marker of microglial activation / neuroinflammation, in cortical areas. As raised plasma NfL reflec...
As a result, we cannot be certain that the findings would be directly transferable to patients meeting DSM-IV criteria for major depression or International Statistical Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision (ICD-10)40 criteria for depressive episodes. We also acknowledge that the study included ...
(ICD-10 codes F00 and G30) or the VD (ICD-10 code F01) group based on the diagnosis code at the first visit. If diagnoses of both AD and VD were recorded at the first visit, we used the diagnosis of the second visit as the final diagnosis. If the main diagnosis was neither AD...
ICD: International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems IL: Iinterleukin LBP: Liposaccharide-binding protein PHQ-8: 8-Item Patient Health Questionnaire QALYs: Quality-adjusted life years RCT: Randomised controlled trial RUQ: Resource Use Questionnaire R4DQ: The Rom...
In turn, a state of the low-grade inflammatory response, characterized by an overproduction of peripheral pro-inflammatory markers (e.g. C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TFN-α)) while incurring no clinical symptoms, are reported to be associa...
Total protein (% energy) 15.44 ± 2.93 14.34 ± 2.72 15.48 ± 2.89 15.28 ± 3.02 16.98 ± 2.39 Values are means (standard deviation) for continuous variables and percentages for categorical variables. 3.2. Low-fat diet, dietary fatty acids and the risk of lung cancer and its subtypes During...
The eyes moved from full left to full right position over a total arc of 201. Seven trials were presented, each consisting of 10 s of sinusoidal motion. Each trial began with an additional 2 s, during which the dot began to move slowly in the middle of the screen and speeded up to ...
In vitro cell samples or in vivo tumor tissues harvested on indicated days were lysed using the radioimmunoprecipitation assay (RIPA) buffer in the presence of protease and phosphatase inhibitor cocktail. The protein concentration was quantified using Pierce BCA protein kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific)....