In Medicare Part D, random assignment and potential yearly reassignment to premium-free stand-alone prescription drug plans (PDPs) is the default plan enrollment option for low-income subsidy (LIS) recipients. Randomization can cause medication access issues, but the impacts on medication use remain...
• Within broad target populations, programs use different concepts to determine who is eligible. Most spending is on behalf of people determined individually eligible by virtue of their low income or eligibility for another income-tested program. “Low income” is defined in a multitude of ways,...
Four programs ranked higher in FY2013 than in FY2008: SNAP, the Low-Income Subsidy for prescription drugs under Medicare Part D (LIS-Part D), the ACTC, and Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers. Three programs declined in relative size: SSI, the refundable portion of the EITC, and TANF. ...
Associations Between Annual Medicare Part D Low-Income Subsidy Loss and Prescription Drug Spending and Use doi:10.1001/jamahealthforum.2023.5152JAMA Health ForumFung, VickiPrice, MaryCheng, DavidPatel, Tej A.Yang, ZhiyouHsu, JohnAlegria, MargaritaNewhouse, Joseph P...
Eligible beneficiaries can receive premium and cost-sharing assistance for Part D prescription drugs through the low-income subsidy program. In 2023, 13.4 million beneficiaries received full or partial low-income subsidy benefits. CMS and the Social Security Administration (...
Medicare Part D and its Effect on the Use of Prescription… 热度: SHINE ServingtheHealthInformationNeeds ofElders MedicarePartA&B “OriginalMedicare” MedicareOverview Medicareisahealthinsuranceprogramfor People65yearsofageandolder (notnecessarilyfullretirementage) ...
“Annual Family Premiums for Employer Coverage Rise 7% to Average $25,572 in 2024, Benchmark Survey Finds, After Also Rising 7% Last Year,” KFF news release. Oct. 9, 2024.
Almost 300 million people suffer from asthma, yet many in low- and middle-income countries have difficulty accessing essential asthma medicines. Availability, price and affordability of medicines are likely to affect access. Very few studies have included asthma medicines, particularly inhaled corticostero...
Objective:The objective is to estimate the take-up of the Medicare Part D Low-Income Subsidy (LIS) among Medicare beneficiaries with diabetes and examine differences in out-of-pocket costs and prescription drug use between LIS enrollees and LIS-eligible non-enrollees. The LIS reduces out-of-...
doi:10.2139/ssrn.3475622MedicarePrescription drugsInsuranceObjectives: Medicare Part D is the voluntary program that provides insurance for prescription drugs to 37 million US elderly. This form of public insurance is dSocial Science Electronic Publishing...