Beneficiaries who temporarily lost their Medicare Part D low-income subsidy experienced higher out-of-pocket drug costs and fewer prescription fills, astudypublished in JAMA Health Forum revealed. Eligible beneficiaries can receive premium and cost-sharing assistance for Part...
Medicare details low-income subsidyMoore, Michael
MedicareParts&Premiums PartA&B–“OriginalMedicare” PartA–Hospital&SkilledNursingCare (Premiumfreeformostpeople–maypurchaseif insufficientworkcreditsbutveryexpensive) PartB–Doctors’Visits&OutpatientCare ($104.90/monthin2013forbeneficiarieswith individualincome<$85,000/year) ...
Using nationally representative data from the Health and Retirement Study, this study examined (1) whether awareness of the Medicare Part D Low-Income Subsidy (LIS) varies by race and ethnicity among beneficiaries age 65 and older ( N =1,504), and (2) the impact of factors associated with...
Associations Between Annual Medicare Part D Low-Income Subsidy Loss and Prescription Drug Spending and Use doi:10.1001/jamahealthforum.2023.5152JAMA Health ForumFung, VickiPrice, MaryCheng, DavidPatel, Tej A.Yang, ZhiyouHsu, JohnAlegria, MargaritaNewhouse, Joseph...
Breast cancer outcomes are worse among black than white women, but the role of income and out-of-pocket costs (OOPCs) in these disparities is understudied. The Medicare D program provided medication insurance for older women and also included a low-income subsidy (LIS) which eliminated or redu...
assistance (Part D Low-Income Subsidy), and those with higher incomes may only be eligible to enroll in Medicare alone with its full cost sharing. However, many older adults who are eligible for Medicaid, Medicare Savings Programs, or the Low-Income Subsidy never enroll, underscoring the ...
Addressing Annual Losses in Medicare Part D Low-Income Subsidy Program doi:10.1001/jamahealthforum.2023.4772JAMA Health ForumRoberts, Eric T.
BACKGROUND: Evaluating the adequacy of Medicare prescription drug program (Part D) and its low-income subsidy (LIS) requires a comprehensive understanding of drug spending in relation to household resources. OBJECTIVE: : To estimate out-of-pocket health care costs in the year before Part D, in...