目的:研究低剂量CT(low-dose CT,LDCT)在亚实性肺腺癌结节影像分期中的应用效果.方法:抽取43例亚实性肺腺癌患者为研究对象(2016年12月至2020年1月),所有患者均经病理检查明确为亚实性肺腺癌,予以CT诊断,进行结节影像分期.观察结节CT分期与病理分期情况.结果:CT诊断显示,GGO 44.19%,磨玻璃影25.58%,模糊结节30.23...
Low-Dose CT Image Denoising Using a Generative Adversarial Network with a Hybrid Loss Function for Noise Learning Wang. Low dose ct im- age denoising using a generative adversarial network with wasserstein distance and perceptual loss. IEEE transactions on medical ... Y Ma,B Wei,P Feng,... ...
目的:研究低剂量CT(low-dose CT,LDCT)在亚实性肺腺癌结节影像分期中的应用效果.方法:抽取43例亚实性肺腺癌患者为研究对象(2016年12月至2020年1月),所有患者均经病理检查明确为亚实性肺腺癌,予以CT诊断,进行结节影像分期.观察结节CT分期与病理分期情况.结果:CT诊断显示,GGO 44.19%,磨玻璃影25.58%,模糊结节30.23...
Low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) of the chest is a recommended diagnostic tool in early stage of COVID-19 pneumonia. High age, several comorbidities as well as poor physical fitness can negatively influence the outcome within COVID-19 infection. We investigated whether the ratio of fat to ...
The x-ray exposure to patients has become a major concern in computed tomography (CT) and minimizing the radiation exposure has been one of the major efforts in the CT field. Due to plenty high-attenuation tissues in the human chest, under low-dose scan protocols, thoracic low-dose CT (LD...
Poster: "ECR 2013 / C-1104 / Optimal low-dose levels in screening chest computed-tomography (CT) for minimal patient radiation and unimpaired detection of lung nodules with and without computer assisted detection (CAD)" by: "A. Christe1, Z. Szucs-Farkas2, A. Huber1, P. Steiger1, J. ...
3.1 Low-dose CT denoising with convolutional neural network[8] 第一篇有代表性的用深度学习方法进行LDCT去噪的作品,是ISBI 2016年川大的,网络非常的简单,文中也没有给网络结构图,就是一个三层的卷积加ReLU,这篇文章发表的时候AAPM比赛还未发出,所以数据集不同。
文章学习36“Low-Dose CT with a Residual Encoder-Decoder Convolutional Neural Network (RED-CNN)” TMI 2017的作品,本文的主要思想和2016年NIPS的RED基本一致,网络采用AE的结构,先用卷积层进行编码,再用反卷积层进行解码,中间通过skip结构连接,如下图所示。
PP01.109 Concordance of Breast Density Between Low-Dose CT and Mammogram doi:10.1016/j.jtho.2024.05.336Journal of Thoracic OncologyL.J. LentiniS.T. WoodeL.R. MargoliesR. YipC.I. HenschkeD.F. Yankelevitz
The aim of the proposed work is to improve low-dose lung CT (LDCT) screening using the processing of weighted intensity averaging over large-scale neighborhoods (WIA-LN). Both current and voltage reductions were considered for LDCT imaging. In the WIA-LN method, the processed pixel intensities...