该模式下可能的最大MA 值是 IQ、NORMALLOWDOSE 三种模式中最大的。常用在: 头颅,上腹部,盆腔和部分关节部位。Normal:正常剂量扫描。该模式是最普遍推荐采用的模式。常用部位:腹部,盆腔,关节,增强的血管以及三维重建扫描。LowDose:低剂量扫描。当要求病人所受的放射线剂量最小时选择该模式。但图象质量没有 IQ、...
Stolzmann P, Donati OF, Scheffel H, Azemaj N, Baumueller S, Plass A, Kozerke S, Leschka S, Grunenfelder J, Boesiger P, Marincek B, Alkadhi H. Low-dose CT coronary angiography for the prediction of myocardial ischaemia. Eur Radiol 2010; 20:56-64....
risks at CT examination dose levels remain uncertain. Here we followed up a multinational cohort (EPI-CT) of 948,174 individuals who underwent CT examinations before age 22 years in
基于CT肺动脉造影(CTPA)检查,探讨肺动脉内对比剂浓度达峰时间(TTP)影响因素,构建肺动脉TTP预测模型。 资料与方法 采用前瞻性研究,纳入2019年9月—2020年9月于重庆市中医院行CTPA检查的153例疑似肺栓塞(PE)患者。采用时间-密度曲线软...
Both positron emission tomography (PET) and computed tomography (CT) contribute significantly to the effective dose from PET/CT imaging. For PET imaging, the effective dose is related to the administered activity and age of patient. For CT, there are many factors that determine effective dose. ...
PURPOSE: Assessment of Multi-Slice CT-colonography (MSCTC) with standard and low-dose technique in comparison to conventional colonoscopy (CC). MATERIALS AND METHODS: After standardized bowel cleansing, 28 men and 24 women (mean age 60,3 years) underwent CC within two hours after MSCTC had be...
Abstract:Objective To explore the clinical value of low-dose spiral CT(LDCT) in screening early lung cancer in different gender and age groups by analyzing chest data. Methods Retrospective analysis was made on the chest LDCT physical examination data of 8 075 physical examinees,and the difference...
[12]Nagatani Y, Takahashi M, Murata K, et al. Lung nodule detection performance in five observers on computed tomography (CT) with adaptive iterative dose reduction using three-dimensional processing (AIDR 3D) in a Japa...
Low-Dose PET/CT vs Fast Body Coil PET/MRI – How Low Can You Go? PURPOSE To compare the diagnostic utility of PET-positive findings in PET/CT vs. PET/MRI with rapidly acquired 3.0T-MR-images using an axial T1-weighted fa... Philippe Appenzeller,Cäcilia Mader,Diethard Schmidt,... ...
Body composition on low dose chest CT is a significant predictor of poor clinical outcome in COVID-19 disease - A multicenter feasibility study Purpose: Low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) of the chest is a recommended diagnostic tool in early stage of COVID-19 pneumonia. High age, several ...