Meta-analysis confirms that, in the context of CHW-delivered health promotion activities, mothers with at least secondary education had a greater likelihood of attending four or more ANC sessions (pooled effect: 2.07, CI: 1.25–3.42), having skilled birth attendance (pooled effect: 1.90, CI:...
Low procalcitonin Clearance Correlates with Mortality Treated with Culture-Matched Antibiotics in Intensive Care Unit: A Retrospective, Observational StudyMortalityprocalcitonin clearanceSepsisSepsis is a clinical syndrome with a high mortality rate which shows a direct relationship with the severity of the ...
During the periodfromthe lateMingerato the early Qing era, although western missionaries such as Matteo RICCI and Robert MORRISON had brought into China the latest fruits of western culture, the dominanceofConfucianism inbothMingandQing dynastieshadimpededthedevelopmentofother schools ...
This does raise a question as to whether walking speed in this context is truly measuring underlying frailty, or simply a non-specific and potentially reversible effect of acute illness. Potential alternatives that may prove more practical in the LMIC ward setting might include the chair-to-stand...
156. The European experience is somewhat more positive due to the way denser, older cities evolved spatially, and by having a culture and tax regime more supportive of public investment. But much of the rest of the fast-urbanizing world in Asia, Africa, and Latin America is experiencing ...
Discussion The existence of new groups of aquatic Actinobacteria has been known for some time, but the difficulty in isolating these microbes in pure culture has hampered the advancement of knowledge about them. Single cell genomics has been used to describe the genome of one acI representative15...
Are there differences between the interventions and/or access to them related to equity (gender, culture, place of residence, socio economic status) or setting (geographic or health care setting)? These important context questions can only be comprehensively answered using qualitative research methods....
In the majority of such studies (80%), an off-label medicine was compared to one that had already been proven effective – in this context, “off-label” refers to the use of any medication that is not listed in the medical guidelines or scientific literature to treat the medical ...
However, existing experimental systems regarding innate memory largely used in vitro cell culture systems with short incubation periods40,57. Our data reveal that chronic conditioning of mice in vivo with subclinical-dose LPS may cause a long-term polarization of inflammatory monocytes. Intriguingly, ...
Human fibroblasts were either sham treated (S) or irradiated at 0.1 Gy and 12 h after the treatment; (a) culture media from an equal number of fibroblasts (1 Â 106) were collected for lactate measurement. The numbers are mean±S.D. from three independent experiments. *o0.05, **o0.01...