敏锐、精明、洞察力强我就是这一切。”自负:他形容Petey Burch是一个“时髦的人,在楼上什么都不是”,并形容Polly Espy“漂亮但还不够聪明”,需要Dobie Gillis的指导。荒谬和自相矛盾:“我观察到的成功律师几乎无一例外地娶了漂亮、优雅、聪明的女人。只有一处遗漏,Polly Espy完全符合这些规格。”。他多次强...
聪明、有逻辑、自负、荒谬、自相矛盾、情绪化的人。聪明:“我的大脑就像发电机(发电机)一样强大,精确的像化学家的天平(天平),像手术刀(解剖刀)一样穿透。想想看!我才十八岁”有逻辑“我很酷,很有逻辑性。敏锐、精明、洞察力强我就是这一切。”自负:他形容Petey Burch是一个“时髦的人,在...
Love is a Fallacy Max Shulman 1 Charles Lamb, as merry andenterprisinga fellow as you will meet in a month of Sundays,unfetteredthe informal essay with his memorable OldChinaand Dream's Children. There follows an informal essay that ventures even beyond Lamb's frontier, indeed, "informal" ma...
love Is a Fallacy三个人物分析love Is a Fallacy character analysis 1 Dobie Gillis • Intelligent,logical person,self-conceited, • ridiculous and selfcontradictive,emotional person • Intelligent:“My brain is as powerful as a dynamo (发电机), precise as a chemist‘s scales(天平), as ...
love Is a Fallacy character analysis
love_is_a_fallacy_人物性格分析 热度: love is a fallacy三个人物分析 热度: Unit 5 Love is a Fallacy by Max Shulman 热度: •logicalperson:“CoolwasIandlogical.Keen, calculating,perspicacious,acute---Iamallof these”.(p.1) •self-conceited:HedescribesPeteyBurchasa“faddist ...
fallacylovefaddist人物peteydobie loveIsaFallacy characteranalysis DobieGillis •Intelligent,logicalperson,self-conceited, •ridiculousandselfcontradictive,emotionalperson •Intelligent:“Mybrainisaspowerfulasa dynamo(发电机),preciseasachemist‘s scales(天平),aspenetratingasascalpel(解 剖刀).And-thinkofit!-...
1、love Is a Fallacy、角色分析、双精灵、智能、本地人员、自我连接, ridiculousannous emotionalpersonintelligent 3360“mybrainisaspowerfulasadynamo (发电机)、precise as a chemists scales (天平), (p.1 ),logical person :coolwasiandlogical.keen,计算, 永久性活动-现在所有”. (p.1 ) 自连接3360 he...
Love is a Fallacy 是摘自于美国作家 Max Shulman 的小说 The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis。故事讲述了 Dobie 物色了一个拥有作为一个成功律师的妻子潜质的 女孩 Polly,与室友 Petey Burch 谈判,用一件浣熊皮大衣交换了 Polly,为了使 Polly 变得聪明教 Polly 逻辑学。结果聪明反被聪明误,Polly 用 Dobie 教她的...