《Love is a Fallacy》作为一部经典的短篇小说,不仅在美国文学史上占有一席之地,也对后世文化产生了深远的影响。它通过对爱情与逻辑之间矛盾的探讨,引发了人们对理性与情感关系的广泛讨论。同时,小说中的幽默和讽刺手法也为后来的文学创作提供了借鉴和启示。此外,《Lov...
love is a fallacy翻译是爱情就是谬误。ove is a fallacy爱是一种谬误(幻觉)这是对爱的一种消极看法fassacy:谬论,谬误. love is a fallacy 以字面意思来说:爱是一种谬论. 结合通俗,意译成:“爱情是荒诞的”“爱情是没有道理的”。Unit 5 Love is a Fallacy原文:爱情是谬误 Max Shulman ...
(5)Ad Misericordiam(感性论证) An appeal to pity is a fallacy in which someone tries to win support for an argument or idea by exploiting his or her opponent's feelings of pity or guilty. 尝试用一些煽情但与辩论主题毫不相关的言论来换取支持或同情,这一点其实也是逻辑谬误。例如:你去参加就职应...
LoveisaFallacy解读 Love is a Fallacy 爱情就是谬误解读 爱情就是谬误 马克斯舒尔曼 查尔斯.兰姆是一个世所罕见的性情欢快、富有进取心的人,他那笔下的散文《古瓷器》和《梦中的孩子》无拘无束、自由奔放。实在令人难忘。下面这篇文章比兰姆的作品更加自由奔放。实际上,用“自由奔放”的字眼来形容这篇文章并不...
《Love is Fallacy》这篇文章由6部分组成。全文通过一个幽默的故事,讲述了一个错误的逻辑,即“爱情真理学”。下面将详细解析每个部分的内容。 第一部分(引子)介绍了主人公Sheldon和他的朋友Petey。他们是大学的室友,Sheldon自视甚高,自称是天才。这一部分主要描绘了Sheldon和Petey的关系以及Sheldon对于Petey相貌平平而...
love-is-a-fallacy-详细讲解-复习 Introduction to the text: 1. This text is a piece of narrative writing, a story. 2. The narrator of the story, Dobie Gillis, a freshman in a law school, is the hero or protagonist(主角,正派角色). He struggles against two antagonists(反派角色): Petey ...
love is a fallacy 总结.doc Love is a Fallacy, or “爱是一种谬论”,是Max Shulman创作的一篇小故事。故事主要围绕着主人公利奥,一位自认为聪明的年轻学生,试图通过授课的方式来让他的搭档波莉爱上他,从而成为他的女友。故事有趣而幽默,传达了一些有关逻辑和相爱关系的值得思考的信息。 故事颠覆了传统对“...
love-is-a-fallacy主题分析 love-is-a-fallacy主题分析 “Love is a fallacy”is a pun that can be understood of two meanings. Love is not only an error, a deception, but also an emotion that does not follow the principle of logic.Love is fallacious, deceptive, or misleading. Love makes ...
When “ fallacy” is taken in its ordinary sense, the title means:There is a deceptive(虚伪的,欺诈的)or delusive(欺瞒的,迷惑的)quality about love.2. When “ fallacy” is taken as a specific term in logic, the 4、title means:Love cannot be deduced(推理)from a set of given premises...
love is a fallacy主题分析分析和总结.docx,“Love is a fallacy ”is a pun that can be understood of two meanings. Love is not only an error, a deception, but also an emotion that does not follow the principle of logic. Love is fallacious, deceptive, or mis