《Love is a Fallacy》被翻译为“爱情就是谬误”。在这个翻译中,“谬误”一词精准地捕捉到了原文中逻辑与爱情之间的冲突。故事通过幽默和讽刺的手法,展示了主人公如何利用逻辑学原理去追求女孩,却最终发现爱情并不总是符合逻辑的过程。这一翻译不仅保留了原文的精髓,...
Charles Lamb, as merry and enterprising a fellow as you will meet in a month of Sundays, unfettered the informal essay with his memorable“Old China”and“Dream’s Children.”There follows an informal essay that ventures even beyond Lamb’s frontier. Indeed,“informal”may not be quite the ...
Love is a Fallacy原文 Love is a Fallacy Max Shulman 1 Charles Lamb, as merry and enterprising a month of Sundays a fellow as you will meet in a month of Sundays, unfettered the informal essay with his memorable Old China and Dream's Children. There follows an informal essay that ventures...
Love is a Fallacy原文.doc,Love is a Fallacy Max Shulman 1 Charles Lamb, as merry and enterprising a month of Sundays a fellow as you will meet in a month of Sundays, unfettered the informal essay with his memorable Old China and Dreams Children. There fo
Love is a Fallacy (标题含义,对朋友,对爱情,) Max Shulman Charles Lamb, as merry and enterprising a fellow as you will meet in a month of Sundays, unfettered the informal essay with his memorable Old China and Dream's Children. There follows ...an informal essay ... that ...ventures.....
爱情是个谬误(Love is a fallacy)当老板问他有什么条件可以胜任这工作时他说他有一个妻子和6个孩子妻子是个天生的跛子家里连一张床也没有地窖里煤也没有了而冬天马上就要来临 爱情是个谬误(Love is a fallacy) 我是那种很酷而且很有头脑的人。深谋远虑、独具慧眼---把这些都加到我身上 一点不过分。我的大...
"I would like to point out that the statement is a fallacy. “我想指出这种结论是错误的。 Maybe Madame Curie would have discovered radium at some later date. 也许居里夫人以后会发现镭, Maybe somebody else would have discovered it. Maybe any number of things would have happened. 也许其他人会发...
Love is a Fallacy原文 下载积分: 2000 内容提示: Love is a Fallacy Max Shulman 1 Charles Lamb, as merry and enterprising a month of Sundays a fellow as you will meet in a month of Sundays, unfettered the informal essay with his memorable Old China and Dream's Children. There follows an...
Unit_5_Love_is_a_Fallacy爱是谬论 高英 UnitFive LoveIsaFallacy ---byMaxShulman AbouttheAuthor:MaxShulman lifewasbitterandIwasnot.''Maxshulman lifewasbitterandIwasnot.AllaroundmewaspovertyandsordidnessbutIrefusedtoseeitthatway.Byturningitintojokes,Imadeitbearable."Maxshulman Novelist...
爱情是个谬误(Love is a fallacy).pdf,爱情是个谬误(Love is a fallacy) 我是那种很酷而且很有头脑的人。深谋远虑、独具慧眼把这些都加到我身上 一点不过分。我的大脑像化学家的天平一样精确,像手术刀一样锐利。我只有18岁。 这么年轻就有这么发达的大脑可不是一件常见的