埃克塞特学院图书馆 by Louis Kahn 1945年,路易斯·康(Louis Kahn)被委任为菲利普斯埃克塞特学院(Phillips Exeter Academy)设计一座新图书馆。学院15年来一直规划着新图书馆的设计,但也一直不满所雇设计师和委员会的提案。埃克塞特学院学院对他们建筑的要求很具体:一座与学院原有乔治王时代(Georgian)的建筑风格相融合的...
「神之图书馆」 Louis Kahn在50年前创造了一座有着“神之图书馆”称号的伟大建筑: Phillips Exeter Academy Library. 外表方正,内部有如神境。 极致的对称感、几何感,呈现出一种理性之美。内中庭的墙面挖有 4...
Completed in 1972 in Exeter, United States. In 1965 Louis I. Kahn was commissioned by the Phillips Exeter Academy to design a library for the school. The Academy had been planning the new...
Kahn House 1963-1969 Phillips Exeter Academy Library 埃克塞特图书馆 1965-1972 多米尼克修道院 The Dominican Motherhouse 1965-1968 理查德医学研究所大楼 A. N. Richards medical research laboratories 1965 宾夕法尼亚工厂 Olivetti Underwood Factory Pennsylvania 1966 – 1970 Norman Fisher House 费舍住宅 1967 Kim...
Kahn House 1963-1969 Phillips Exeter Academy Library埃克塞特图书馆 1965-1972 多米尼克修道院 The Dominican Motherhouse 1965-1968 理查德医学研究所大楼 A. N. Richards medical research laboratories 1965 宾夕法尼亚工厂 Olivetti Underwood Factory Pennsylvania 1966 – 1970 ...
From the Exeter Library, which was completed in 1972, it is evident that Kahn integrates two different structural systems, bricks and reinforced concrete, into a design concept that exhibits his profound respect for the innate characteristics of the chosen construction materials and the space that ...
Exeter College Library 埃克塞特学院对这座图书馆的要求很具体:一座与学院原有乔治王时代的建筑风格相融合的砖立面建筑以及一个理想的适合学习的室内环境。而康对砖材料的敏感与和谐的使用以及他对自然光的考虑完全符合了学院为新图书馆所构想的这些具体法则。
·Exeter,United States AD Classics: Exeter Library (Class of 1945 Library) / Louis Kahn Professionals that Louis Kahn has worked with Keast & Hood Co. George C. Izenour Associates H.P. Cummings Construction Company Dubin-Mindell-Bloome Associates ...
A striking combination of wood and concrete in the Phillips Exeter Academy Library, built in 1965 in Exeter, New Hampshire Kahn liked cleverly to juxtapose older and newer materials – like oak with concrete. We tend to associate oak with tradition – Victorian smoking rooms and solemn libraries...
美国现代建筑大师路易·康(Louis Isadore Kahn)(2) 1967 新罕布什尔埃克塞特菲利普埃克塞特学院图书馆(Exeter Library Exeter,NH) 1969 英国耶鲁大学艺术中心(Yale Center for British Arts) 1974 印度管理学院(Indian Institute of Management) 1975 孟加拉国家会展中心(National Assembly Bangladesh) ...