The Philips Exeter Academy Library, designed by the renowned architect Louis Kahn, was completed in 1972 and is considered one of his greatest achievements. The building is a testament to Kahn’s unique approach to architecture, combining materials, light, and form to create a truly exceptional s...
Louis Kahn’s Exeter Library (1969-1971) masterfully upends the traditional layout of libraries. At the time, most well-regarded libraries encircled a single, grand, high-ceilinged reading room with many individual floors of bookshelves (Figure 1). While the communal reading room impressed and aw...
Louis Kahn′s architectural works embody his rational tectonic epistemological perspective by exhibiting the ways he respected the nature of construction materials and how he built his structures in accordance to how he believed that space, itself, desired to be portrayed. From the Exeter Library, ...