楼梯被从建筑外围的塔里面移入了建筑内部,直接与中央大厅相连,Kahn考虑了许多楼梯的方案,在1968年8月施工图完成前夕最后被确定。 最终的设计,一组双跑楼梯被放置在挑高2层的入口大厅的中央位置,由两面圆弧形墙限定,就像在米开朗琪罗的Laurentain Library, 人们从低处踏上这个显著的楼梯,到达主要的楼层。两面圆弧墙...
Louis Isadore Kahn 对砖的使用和他对自然光线的关注符合学院对图书馆的具体原则,因此委托他来设计图书馆。 In 1965 Louis I. Kahn was commissioned by the Phillips Exeter Academy to design a library for the school. The Academy had been planning the new library for fifteen years but were consistently ...
Kahn接受的教育体系是Beaux-Arts ,Kahn自然会接触到Étienne-Louis Boullée的作品,Boullee设计的Library Hall成为了Exeter Library的灵感来源之一。 在Boullee的这个设计中,空间被四层书墙四面环绕,围合出宽广的中庭。光从巨大的天窗中,倾泻而下。人们或沐浴在光中,或倚靠这栏杆,读书,找书,交流。这样的空间氛围也...
ExeterLibraryLouisKahn ExeterLibrary designphilosophy “InspirationisthefeelingofbeginningasthethresholdwhereSilenceandLightmeet.Silence,theunmeasurable,desiretobe,desiretoexpress,thesourceofnewneed,meetsLight,themeasurable,giverofallpresence,bywill,bylaw,themeasureofthingsalreadymade,asathresholdwhichisinspiration,the...
Louis Kahn’s Exeter Library: A Reinterpretation of the Ideal Reading Space Louis Kahn’s Exeter Library (1969-1971) masterfully upends the traditional layout of libraries. At the time, most well-regarded libraries encircled a single, grand, high-ceilinged reading room with many individual floors...
Louis Kahn′s architectural works embody his rational tectonic epistemological perspective by exhibiting the ways he respected the nature of construction materials and how he built his structures in accordance to how he believed that space, itself, desired to be portrayed. From the Exeter Library, ...
Exeter Library (Class of 1945 Library) X…,堆糖图片。堆糖,美图壁纸兴趣社区。拥有几十亿高清优质图片,数千万用户的珍藏分享,一键收藏下载美图,点亮生活无限灵感,做你的美好研究所:情侣头像,手机壁纸,表情包,头像,壁纸,高清壁纸,图片,壁纸图片,图片下载。
AD Classics: Exeter Library (Class of 1945 Library) / Louis Kahn June 09, 2010 + 10 Library• Exeter, United States Architects: Louis Kahn Area: 12321 m² Year: 1972 Save this project Read more »selected projects Villa G / SCAPE Green City Residential Building / Adrian Streich ...
图书馆由著名建筑师路易斯卡恩(Louis I. Kahn)设计建成。设计之初,学院对这座图书馆的要求很具体:一座与学院原有乔治王时代建筑风格相融合的砖立面建筑以及一个理想的适合学习的室内环境。卡恩对砖材料的熟练运用和对自然光线的考虑完全符合这些要求,1972年图书馆完工的时候,学校对这个设计非常满意。 ▲图书馆外观 图...
精选ppt Exeter Library case one Exeter Library case one Exeter Library case one Exeter Library case one Exeter Library case one 79280 Exeter Library case one 精选ppt Case Study Project Exeter Library 4243323 /2014/03/25/a-revisit-to-kahns-exeter-library/ Exeter Library Louis Kahn “Inspiration ...