Describe the bug So, I'm using phpmyadmin with other web services on a machine with debian 11, (pterodactyl and azuriom) From one day to the next I can't connect to my database and I get a lot of errors, Config : Phpmyadmin 5.3 snapshot ...
decompiling bytecode, using theGraalVMas an alternative virtual machine, and more. In short, one of the best course for experienced Java developer who is looking to take their skills to the next level.
How can I know what is faulty in my pc config?: I built a pc a few weeks ago, and I have been getting blue death errors since that. There are at least 10 types of error codes, I sought after them but they can show a hundred types of issues.. I...
This iterative operation improves the model’s capability to recognize overlapping targets through the aggregation of contextual information both horizontally and vertically. The multi-spectral channel attention mechanism, on the other hand, analyzes channel information in the frequency domain through DCT, ...
For a year, it had a spotless record, it worked elegantly, without any major issues or errors. Then, in a span of just one month, so many things went badly, a result of poorly tested and integrated firmware and system updates that turned my sweet machine into a nerdy sandbox. In fact...
Setup a Virtual Machine in Azure, deploy the dependency agent extension andexecuteAzure Governance Visualizer. In the Azure Portal navigate to the Virtual Machine, Click onInsightsin theMonitoringsection and click on Map. All connections that have been established will be shown. Now let's focus on...
BTW, let me explain the type of information I publish here. It's not exactly a blog, it's rather a public notebook, where I put the stuff I want to be at hand, and if somebody else will find it useful, so better! And yes, I know, there is error lookup in Visual Studio,...
This is quite problematic for our users too, a lot of users got caught out by creating spreadsheets in OneDrive sync folder on their machine, linking there and then sharing the files. The Excel has a link reference to C:\user\<name>\One Drive - <Tenant Name>\Test.x...
Event ID 1008 The Open Procedure for service "BITS" in DLL "C:\Windows\System32\bitsperf.dll" failed. Performance data for this service will not be available. The first four bytes (DWORD) of the Data section contains the error code. Event ID 1023 Multiple Perflib errors due to ASP.NET...
As the season of gratitude unfolds, let’s take a moment to express thanks for the often unsung heroes of the corporate realm – the IT auditors. In a world that thrives on bits and bytes, their role is crucial, and this Thanksgiving, we highlight the things that IT auditors have to ...