Gets or sets the validation errors. C# Copy [Newtonsoft.Json.JsonProperty(PropertyName="validationErrors")] public System.Collections.Generic.IList<Microsoft.Azure.Management.RecoveryServices.SiteRecovery.Models.HealthError> ValidationErrors { get; set; } Property Value IList...
{ "error": { "code": "ValidationFailed", "message": "Validation failed: '': Field 'imageId' has a bad value: '/subscriptions/subscriptionID/resourceGroups/resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.Compute/images/imageName'. Please review
i am trying to resize the VM with the list of applicable resize option from azure api with the quota limit validation while upgrading. seems there is no direct option and with custom logic removing number (Standard_DS1_v2 -> StandardDSv2Family;… ...
During validation checks, Locked down VMs might not allow execution of certain certification commands. Custom templates In general, all the images that are published under single VM offers follow standard ARM template for deployment. However, there are scenarios where publisher might require customization...
After the form makes the proper validation checks, a single call to the CreateVirtualMachine method in the VSWVirtualServer class is made to create the virtual machine. Figure 10** Create New Virtual Machine ** The Rapid Test main form calls the VSWVirtualServer class to retrieve all of the...
When I run it on a real machine, the error is unclear. log Showing Recent Issues Build target Runner of project Runner with configuration Debug warning: Run script build phase 'Run Script' will be run during every build because it does not specify any outputs. To address this warning, eith...
Cluster validation fails with error 80070005 Error message event ID 1289 is logged when you try to create a cluster Creating failover cluster fails with error 0xc000005e Implications of using /forcequorum switch Move Windows Server cluster to another domain Provider load failure "The ...
You can check the error and verify the steps to resolve the issue. Create a machine catalog using Web Studio Before creating a catalog: Review this section to learn about the choices you make and the information you supply. Ensure that you have created a connection to the hypervisor, c...
Importing of service templates fails with an XSD validation failure error. Tenant users are not able to View or Update properties for VMs having a disk attached to SCSI ID7. NAT rules are not applied, which causes issues on VMs that are part of a similar te...
Cluster validation (network configuration) keeps failing after power outage Command to Shutdown VM's Compare-VM not reporting Incompatibilities Configuration with two NICs on Hyper-V host Configuration-only export Configure Vlan on VSwit...