In a rather unusual incident, cops found 10 tolas of gold valued at Rs 5 lakh in the possession of a rat in a gutter near Gokuldham Colony in Mumbai. The gold belonged to a woman named Sundari who was on her way to the bank to pledge the gold and raise money to settle t...
The EHRC confirmed later that although the method of investigating remained outdated from Tony Blair days, no antisemitism was found on Corbyn’s part, the Party had no institutional antisemitism and the accusations of antisemitism had indeed been exaggerated. The ‘herd’? Collier attacks all tho...
单句改错 1. Police have found which appears to be the lost ancient statue. 1. 2. A serious study of physics is impossible beyond some knowledge of maths. 2. 3. The Smiths are praised by the way they bring up their children.
she was incredibly sweet, energetic and enthusiastic – working with her brightened everyone’s day,” the NBC show’s executive producersJonathan GreenandGabe Millersaid in a statement. “We’re lucky to have been a small part of her long career. The Superstore...
The ID No. was found belong to Hunan. Then I called in the police station of that place and said I was now in Mumbai International Airport and picked up a wallet with cards, ID card as well as lots of cash inside, but no owner's contact information. I said the owner must be very...