In a rather unusual incident, cops found 10 tolas of gold valued at Rs 5 lakh in the possession of a rat in a gutter near Gokuldham Colony in Mumbai. The gold belonged to a woman named Sundari who was on her way to the bank to pledge the gold and raise money to settle t...
Nehasri Ravishenbagam Our Offices Bengaluru Gurgaon City Scape Gurgaon BPTP Kolkata Chennai Hyderabad Mumbai Bengaluru 2nd Floor, Building 208 Hustlehub Tech Park Building, Somasundarapalya Main Rd, adjacent 27th Main Road, ITI Layout, Sector 2, HSR Layout, HaralukunteVillage, Bengaluru, Karnataka ...
There are continuous daily stone throwing incidents in Israel by the Charedi and Israeli Muslims and Palestinians in the disputed territories, and yet the anti-Israel and Anti-Jewish media seldom have not much of anything to report about shooting deaths because Israel goes out of its way to deve...
单句改错 1. Police have found which appears to be the lost ancient statue. 1. 2. A serious study of physics is impossible beyond some knowledge of maths. 2. 3. The Smiths are praised by the way they bring up their children.
The South Korean pop star and actress died at the age of 25 on October 14. Sulli’s manager discovered her dead at home after being unable to reach her by phone for several hours. A police official told CNN that “it seems she killed herself,” though an official cause of death was ...