negative group velocityresistive lossy left handed transmission lineslumped transmission linecapacitorsThis study reports on negative group velocities in a lumped transmission line, where capacitors and inductors connected to resistors are placed in the series and shunt branches of the periodic line, ...
Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocity Structure of the Cameroon Volcanic Line Region 7255 Surface waves and free oscillations7270 Tomography (69828180The Cameroon Volcanic Line (CVL) is an 1800 km lineament of Cenozoic volcanism that ... P Shore,GG Euler,R Tibi,... - AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 被引量...
For interconnects with finite lengths, all the terms must sum to zero on the far end of the interconnect at early times to satisfy causality since every wave propagates at a finite velocity. This can lead to a large number of terms in the macromodel for long interconnects. The accuracy of...
Here, the parameter ω02 is defined by ω02=1/LC0, and the maximum velocity of the propagating waves, cmax is given by cmax=δω0 (see ref. [3]). Following the principles of the G′/G2-expansion method, we make the assumption that the exact solution of Eq. (23) can be ...
The present invention comprises a method and apparatus to substantially decrease the dielectric and inductive losses in the sampling of biological materials by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, thereby increasing the speed and sensitivity of NMR measurements. Biological material carried in a biologicall...
Combining Euler's equation (see (5.4.10) in [17])(3)−iωρ(x)v=−p′and relationship between particle velocity v and displacement ζ, v=dζdt,for a harmonic wave(4)v=−iωζ, a relationship between the displacement and pressure is obtained:(5)ζ=p′ω2ρ(x). Substituting ...
The six panels depict the time-average\(\langle {\dot{\phi }}_{i}\rangle\)of the instantaneous angular velocity vs. the node indexi. The values in the top row are normalised to the respective natural frequency\({\omega }_{i}^{LC}=\frac{{P}_{i}}{{D}_{i}}\).aphase locking...
motor nerve conduction velocityAn analytical formula of the current distribution for the VLF horizontal wire antenna located above the ground is presented in this paper. This formula is suitable for the VLF horizontal antenna which is fed at arbitrary position and with arbitrary loaded impedance at ...
improving data transmission reliability with network coding in wireless sensor network 热度: high-resolution seismic velocity and attenuation structure of the sichuan-yunnan region, southwest china, using seismic catalog and waveform data(6.17mb)
but the methods and systems described herein may be applied to other types of interconnects, such as transmission lines, signal lines on a semiconductor or printed circuit board, or other multi-channel interconnects which have the potential to suffer signal degradation due to line loss or crosstalk...