transmission lines supplement, transmission line t spice model, transmission lines applications in pspice pspice, 2 transmission lines, calculation of ramp response of lossy transmission lines, transients on transmission lines springerlink, lossy transmission line, transient analysis of lossy transmission ...
Thus, the key contribution of this paper is to propose of using transmission line concepts to ensure both the passivity and transparency of teleoperation systems with delays and data loss. Through numerical simulations using PSPICE, the validity of the proposed analysis is evaluated.Hyo-Sung Ahn...
This report describes a technique for the creation of MicroSim PSpice? lossy transmission line models of PCB traces using the results of finite element analysis of PCB cross sectional geometry. Ansoft Extractor? analysis software is used to obtain values of capacitance, inductance, resistance and ...
Solution of the transmission-line equations for any lossless multiconductor line is virtually trivial, which will be discussed in this chapter. A SPICE (PSPICE) subcircuit model will be developed for any lossless MTL having any number of parallel conductors. For ...
With the presented method, a circuit including lossy multiconductor transmission lines is analyzed and the results are consistent with those of PSPICE. The nonlinear circuit including nonuniform lossy multiconductor transmission lines is also computed and the results are verified by HSPICE. The proposed...
Solution of the transmission-line equations for any lossless multiconductor line is virtually trivial, which will be discussed in this chapter. A SPICE (PSPICE) subcircuit model will be developed for any lossless MTL having any number of parallel conductors. For two-conductor lines, we can ...
Equivalent circuits are synthesized for characteristic impedances and the exponential propagation function by making use of the Pade approximations; on using a network of lumped elements and ideal transmission line to approximate the time response of each lossy transmission line, or each lossy multi...
The delay extraction passive compact circuit (DEPACT) micromodel is applied, and it can calculate the coupling voltage and current in time domain by circuit simulation software such as PSpice software, which can be improved to calculate the response of transmission line with non-liner loads. In ...