Lords of the Fallen’s formulaic story follows Harkyn, a gruff criminal who's pulled from behind bars to save the world from interdimensional monsters called the Rhogar. We’re never told the nature of his crimes, however, and Lords repeatedly introduces other characters with only a modicum ...
Lords of the Fallen: Story TrailerRelated Videos 1:45 Lords of the Fallen The Lords of the Fallen 3:50 Lords of the Fallen: Gameplay Trailer The Lords of the Fallen 3:21 Lords of the Fallen: Dual Worlds The Lords of the Fallen 2:13 Lords of the Fallen: Launch Trailer The Lords of...
“Well, it’s a beautiful story…” and so begins this excitable yet reflective conversation between Saul Gascon, executive producer and head of studio at Hexworks, and Cezar Virtosu, creative director at Hexworks. They’re about to share with me the development story ofLords of the Fallen,...
Lords of the Fallen: Story Trailer The Lords of the Fallen 3:50 Lords of the Fallen: Gameplay Trailer The Lords of the Fallen 3:21 Lords of the Fallen: Dual Worlds The Lords of the Fallen 2:13 Lords of the Fallen: Launch Trailer The Lords of the Fallen 1:32 Fe (VG) Fe 1 1:24...
Buy Lords of the Fallen on PlayStation Store. An epic, dark fantasy action-RPG set in a vast world of shadow and chaos.
Discover a new campaign in the long-forgotten library, locked away between the human and demonic realms millennia ago. Uncover the mysteries hidden in the maze’s corridors and lay waste to the undead followers of the fallen god roaming within it. Find y
Lords of the Fallen 当前不可用。 在Xbox 上玩该游戏需要使用 Xbox Live Gold (订阅单独出售)。 请参阅系统要求 你可以在 Xbox One 主机上购买。(你所在的地区不支持通过 microsoft.com 购买。) 概述 系统要求 功能 单个玩家 联机多人游戏 (2-3) Xbox 跨代多人游戏 Xbox 跨平台多人游戏 在线合作 (2...
全新黑暗奇幻動作角色扮演遊戲《Lords of the Fallen》的廣闊世界正等著你。化身為傳奇黑暗十字軍的一員,踏上征程,完成推翻邪神阿迪爾的大業。
【变形金刚基础课】堕落金刚 TRANSFORMERS THE BASICS on THE FALLEN(Chris McFeely) 11:15 【变形金刚基础课】隔板 TRANSFORMERS THE BASICS on BULKHEAD(Chris McFeely) 08:16 【变形金刚基础课】千斤顶 TRANSFORMERS THE BASICS on WHEELJACK(Chris McFeely) 10:19 【变形金刚基础课】霸王龙 TRANSFORMERS THE...
Today, HEXWORKS and CI Games revealed a new roadmap of free content coming before the end of 2023 to the Soulslike game Lords of the Fallen. Saül Gascon, Head of Studio at HEXWORKS, said in a statement: Related Story Lords of the Fallen Update 1.7 Improves Combat ...