Lords of the Fallen’s formulaic story follows Harkyn, a gruff criminal who's pulled from behind bars to save the world from interdimensional monsters called the Rhogar. We’re never told the nature of his crimes, however, and Lords repeatedly introduces other characters with only a modicum ...
Lords of the Fallen, theDark Souls-like console and PC role-playing game from developers Deck 13 Interactive and CI Games, is going mobile in 2015 with a new game for Android and iOS devices. It features a story set in theLords of the Fallenuniverse, but it’s not a direct port of ...
Lords of the Fallen is yet another entry in the action-RPG soulslike craze, complete with an unsettling fantasy setting, other players invading your game for some co-op or PvP goodness, and, of course, lots of dying. It makes use of the same sort of deadly third-person combat system fu...
Hexworks’ Lords of the Fallen is out in October, but that doesn’t mean it’s slowing down with the details. Following its showcase of the first 13 minutes of the Souls-like action RPG, it’s confirmed a new story trailer for Gamescom Opening Night Live. It will seemingly shed light...
Lords of the Fallen: Story TrailerRelated Videos 1:45 Lords of the Fallen The Lords of the Fallen 3:50 Lords of the Fallen: Gameplay Trailer The Lords of the Fallen 3:21 Lords of the Fallen: Dual Worlds The Lords of the Fallen 2:13 Lords of the Fallen: Launch Trailer The Lords of...
Having said that, the story and lore is not the main reason why I enjoy souls-like games, it’s rather the exploration, combat and of course the challenge that I’m such a fan of the genre and it’s here where Lords of the Fallen both managed to impress and disappoint at the same...
“Well, it’s a beautiful story…” and so begins this excitable yet reflective conversation between Saul Gascon, executive producer and head of studio at Hexworks, and Cezar Virtosu, creative director at Hexworks. They’re about to share with me the development story ofLords of the Fallen,...
good. There are also remnants placed throughout Mournstead that the Umbral Lamp can activate, adding juxtaposition to what happened prior to the events ofLords of the Fallen. One resembled the Spartan Kick in the movie300, and a story was given as to what exactly happened. An intriguing ...
While the story of Lords of the Fallen sounds like standard fare for a game heavily inspired by Dark Souls, it is actually a little more intricate than it looks on paper. Though players could complete the game without investing too much effort in talking with NPCs in the Skyrest main hub...
Lords Of The Fallen - Game of the Year Edition GOTY for Steam - Includes 9 items: Lords Of The Fallen, Monk Decipher DLC, Demonic Weapon Pack DLC, The Foundation Boost DLC, The Arcane Boost DLC, Lion Heart Pack DLC, Ancient Labyrinth DLC...