Lords of the Fallen is an awesome soulslike with a fantastic dual-realities premise, even when performance shortcomings and wimpy bosses crash the party.
游戏名称:堕落之王 英文名称:Lords of the Fallen 游戏类型:动作角色扮演 游戏制作:Deck 13 City 游戏发行:City Interactive 游戏平台:PC/Xbox One/PS4 上市时间:2014.10.28 官方网址:点击进入 本作将令许多饥渴的想探索游戏里每一处角落的玩家为之欣喜,同时还能完全自定义自己的角色,敌人规模堪比“进击的巨人”,...
IGN France Oct 12, 2023 Lords of the Fallen succeeds in everything it tries. This may be a blood-filled trip but Mournstead, through its magical dual world, always calls us back for a last mortal dance. FULL REVIEW PC 85 KeenGamer Oct 12, 2023 This recent iteration of Lords ...
Blackfeather Ranger A ranged archetype with two types of arrows at their disposal. While no slouch in melee range, the Blackfeather's best strategy is to begin combat from afar, aiming manually and landing headshots for critical damage. If the
【游戏封面】游戏名称:堕落之王英文名称:Lords of the Fallen游戏类型:动作角色扮演游戏制作:Deck 13 City游戏发行:City Interactive游戏平台:PC/Xbox One/PS4上市时间:2014.10.28官方网址
"Podcast Beyond - IGN's PlayStation Show" Lords of the Fallen: Why We're Already Falling For This Soulslike - Beyond 812 (Podcast Episode 2023) - Movies, TV, Celebs, and more...
Feel the cost of battle, even in victory, as each fallen soldier represents a lost person from your city. This game is a passion project started by asolo developer. You can reach out to me and share your opinions, ideas, and criticisms -I listen to your feedback. ...
Lords of the Fallen has three different endings, and getting them requires far more than just making a decision at the end of the game. Instead, you need to have the ending you want in mind for pretty much your entire playthrough, which can make getting them pretty stressful. Thankfully,...
Before you start exploring the dual realms of Axiom and Umbral in Lords of the Fallen, you’ll need to overcome an obstacle more challenging than any boss fight: which character class to play as. Do you want to be a spell-slinging agent of the light, a brutish barbarian with an axe,...