游戏名称:堕落之王 英文名称:Lords of the Fallen 游戏类型:动作角色扮演 游戏制作:Deck 13 City 游戏发行:City Interactive 游戏平台:PC/Xbox One/PS4 上市时间:2014.10.28 官方网址:点击进入 本作将令许多饥渴的想探索游戏里每一处角落的玩家为之欣喜,同时还能完全自定义自己的角色,敌人规模堪比“进击的巨人”,...
《堕落之主(LORDS OF THE FALLEN)》上市预告片公布,游戏将于 10 月 13 日正式发售。原《堕落之王》的重启作品,黑暗幻想风高难度动作 RPG,「魂」味儿很浓。
【游戏封面】游戏名称:堕落之王英文名称:Lords of the Fallen游戏类型:动作角色扮演游戏制作:Deck 13 City游戏发行:City Interactive游戏平台:PC/Xbox One/PS4上市时间:2014.10.28官方网址
Lords of the Fallen may be better than its predecessor in many regards, but it isn’t quite worthy of standing among the genre giants yet. However, this isn’t from a lack of trying. Excellent and varied biomes are on offer that are truly striking and immersive to be beheld to. There...
Fair OpenCritic Rating See All Reviews (Opens in new tab) IGN by Leana Hafer 7 / 10 Manor Lords is a gorgeous medieval city-builder that kept me occupied for hours building my perfect, cozy hamlets, but it definitely feels very early in its Early Access development. Read Full Review (Open...
IGN 4.8 (5) 电子游戏 一日一更 Reviews for the hottest games of the year from IGN.
【游戏封面】游戏名称:堕落之王英文名称:Lords of the Fallen游戏类型:动作角色扮演游戏制作:Deck 13 City游戏发行:City Interactive游戏平台:PC/Xbox One/PS4上市时间:2014.10.28官方网址