vying for the attention of a growing, but still niche fan base. Lords of the Fallen (2023) would have to be much more than its predecessor to stand out from the crowd.
Lords of the Fallen succeeds in everything it tries. This may be a blood-filled trip but Mournstead, through its magical dual world, always calls us back for a last mortal dance. FULL REVIEW PC 85 KeenGamer Oct 12, 2023 This recent iteration of Lords of the Fallen has finally achi...
堕落之王 一年多次的魂游品鉴,这次轮到这部steam58%好评率的堕落之王了。平心而论,这部作品毛病确实很多,对于普通玩家来说游玩体验也许很差,但作为一部14年的早期魂like作品,堕落之王还算有其可取之处的。如果要用一个词来概括堕落之王的缺点,我想那应该是“粗糙”,堕落之王的小毛病非常多,大毛病也一个不少。
Lords of the Fallenis a rather lengthy game, and dwarfs its predecessor in terms of size and scale. Many times along the journey, particularly when outdoors, players can swing the camera around in a 360-degree arc and see each of Mournstead’s five beacons in the distance, shooting piercin...
《堕落之王》PC豪华版促销 原价139元现仅售9元 继Metacritic之后,我们的评测也被Opencritic收录 《堕落之王》玩家超700万 续作开发预算超5500万 参与游民众评拿正版游戏第二期 论抖M的自我修养 标签: 堕落之王 游民评分 堕落之王 游戏制作:Deck 13 City 游戏发行:City Interactive 游戏平台:PC/PS4/XboxOne/Andro...
《堕落之主》通关,50小时。又是一款需要拨乱反正的游戏,批评的声音太多,四下群起攻之,不踩两脚不足明志,以至于大量观望者闻风而逃,生怕投入时间吃了屎。 正所谓市场检验,口碑发酵,一款游戏就在众人的唾沫星中远去了。我为那些因此而没玩到的感到可惜。这些批评声音,有多少是用心玩的,还是浅尝辄止后,就急于下结...
Lords of the Fallen is an action role playing game that puts players in the role of Harkyn an ex-prisoner travelling the land with an old scholar and mage, trying to stop a potential threat that could very well take over the entire land if not stopped. Played out in a fantasy setting...
那是一个最早认识到魂系潜力,最早开始抄袭魂系作品的游戏。 按道理来说,这一代应该是抄的有经验了,然而你如果一直追踪这个游戏的开发历程,你就知道这个游戏开发一波N折。 能上市已经谢天谢地了。 我基本上在游戏上市前已经给游戏判了死刑。 但是法环已经快2年了,我需要新的魂系游戏,所以这个游戏给网红的测试Ke...
Well, Lords of the Fallen certainly has plenty of satisfying moments whether you're creating a shortcut or solving a puzzle to unlock a reward with a matching event that helps flesh-out the world. At the same time, navigating this world can be a pain, especially when you're wandering ...