Lords of the Fallen succeeds in everything it tries. This may be a blood-filled trip but Mournstead, through its magical dual world, always calls us back for a last mortal dance. FULL REVIEW PC 85 KeenGamer Oct 12, 2023 This recent iteration of Lords of the Fallen has finally achi...
vying for the attention of a growing, but still niche fan base. Lords of the Fallen (2023) would have to be much more than its predecessor to stand out from the crowd.
Lords of the Fallen (2023) is an action-RPG in the souls-like genre. Critics have praised its ambitious dual-reality mechanic, which allows...
A few years ago, the release of a game inspired by FromSoftware's Dark Souls series was a rare occurrence, as the genre was in no way as popular as it is nowadays. Among the first games inspired by the FromSoftware series was Lords of the Fallen, a game that managed to get a cult...
Forty-five minutes passed in Lords of the Fallen before I died for the first time. That's a bit of a surprise for a game that makes no secret of its heavy debts to the ultra-punishing Dark Souls series, but the combat I experienced on the way to that first death revealed a game th...
Lords Of The Fallen - Game of the Year Edition GOTY for Steam - Includes 9 items: Lords Of The Fallen, Monk Decipher DLC, Demonic Weapon Pack DLC, The Foundation Boost DLC, The Arcane Boost DLC, Lion Heart Pack DLC, Ancient Labyrinth DLC...
堕落之王 游戏制作:Deck 13 City 游戏发行:City Interactive 游戏平台:PC/PS4/XboxOne/Android/iOS 上市时间:2014-10-28 游戏标签:动作角色扮演黑暗奇幻中世纪困难 6.5 想玩 玩过评分 ¥9 -91%¥99正版购买 众评|专区|资讯|攻略|下载|图片|视频|官网...
那是一个最早认识到魂系潜力,最早开始抄袭魂系作品的游戏。 按道理来说,这一代应该是抄的有经验了,然而你如果一直追踪这个游戏的开发历程,你就知道这个游戏开发一波N折。 能上市已经谢天谢地了。 我基本上在游戏上市前已经给游戏判了死刑。 但是法环已经快2年了,我需要新的魂系游戏,所以这个游戏给网红的测试Ke...
I should mention that I never played the originalLords of the Fallenso I can't compare this game to that so I'm coming at this from an entirely fresh perspective. Anyway, whenever you bite the dust, you'll continue on your merry way in the land of the dead which actually makes the ...