loop-detect eth-loop命令用来配置对指定VLAN的MAC地址漂移检测功能。 undo loop-detect eth-loop命令用来取消对指定VLAN的MAC地址漂移检测功能。 缺省情况下,没有配置对指定VLAN进行MAC地址漂移检测。 命令格式 loop-detect eth-loop{ [block-mac]block-timeblock-timeretry-timesretry-times|alarm-only} undo loop-...
display loop-detect eth-loop命令用来查看MAC地址漂移检测信息。 命令格式 display loop-detect eth-loop[vlanvlan-id] 参数说明 参数 参数说明 取值 vlanvlan-id 查看指定VLAN的MAC地址漂移检测信息。 整数形式,取值范围是1~4094。 视图 所有视图 缺省级别 ...
LDT实现功能:检测/恢复/查询 Ø 端口定时发送环路检测报文,在vlan内广播 Ø 检测到环路后,根据工作模式设置端口的状态 Ø 环路恢复功能,阻塞后恢复端口 Ø 环路检测查询 LDT协议报文 报文头: 目的MAC(全F,仅此一种)、源MAC(发送端口的设备MAC) EthType为0x8100 Tag发送报文的VlanId 报文内容: Type为...
%FWM-2-STM_LOOP_DETECT:Loops detected in the network among ports Eth x/y and Eth x/y vlan xx - Disabling dynamic learn notifications for 180 seconds%FWM-2-STM_LEARNING_RE_ENABLE:Re enabling dynamic learning on all interfaces 此消息表明交换机接收有同一源MAC地址的帧在这两个接口,...
Eth x/y and Eth x/y vlan xx - Disabling dynamic learn notifications for 180 seconds%FWM-2-STM_LEARNING_RE_ENABLE:Re enabling dynamic learning on all interfaces Este mensaje indica que el Switch recibe las tramas con el mismo MAC Address de origen en estas dos interfaces y que ...
Hi everyone, I'm having trouble finding any information on what these logs could mean: 2011 Oct 27 16:17:48 XALBCVMNX01 %FWM-2-STM_LOOP_DETECT: Loops detected in the network among ports Po3 and Po4 vlan 100 - Disabling dynamic learn notificat
EthType为0x8100 Tag发送报文的VlanId 报文内容: Type为LBDT的报文类型0x9998 Index为发送端口的索引(LDT与LBDT实现的差异所在,端口收到index与本端口相同的报文而阻塞本端口的是LBDT,端口收到index与本端口不同的报文而阻塞本端口的是LDT) LBDT实现细节: ...
reset loop-detect eth-loop命令用来解除指定VLAN下的接口阻塞和MAC地址阻塞。 命令格式 reset loop-detect eth-loopvlanvlan-id{all|interfaceinterface-typeinterface-number|mac-addressmac-address} 参数说明 参数 参数说明 取值 vlanvlan-id 指定VLAN的ID。
The loop-detect eth-loop command is used to check whether MAC address flapping occurs in a VLAN. When MAC address flapping occurs, the wireless access controller performs the configured action. You can use this command to enable MAC address flapping detection in the following scenarios: Loops in...
Eth x/y and Eth x/y vlan xx - Disabling dynamic learn notifications for 180 seconds%FWM-2-STM_LEARNING_RE_ENABLE:Re enabling dynamic learning on all interfaces Questo messaggio indica che lo switch riceve i frame con lo stesso indirizzo MAC di origine su queste due interfac...