loop-detect eth-loop命令用来配置对指定VLAN的MAC地址漂移检测功能。 undo loop-detect eth-loop命令用来取消对指定VLAN的MAC地址漂移检测功能。 缺省情况下,没有配置对指定VLAN进行MAC地址漂移检测。 命令格式 loop-detect eth-loop{ [block-mac]block-timeblock-timeretry-timesretry-times|alarm-only} undo loop-...
表7-1display loop-detect eth-loop命令显示信息解释 项目 描述 Vlan Vlan ID。 Block-time 阻断时间。 RetryTimes 阻断的重试次数。 Total items 配置了MAC地址漂移检测的VLAN合计数。 Block-action 阻断动作。 alarm-only:只上报告警。 block-mac:根据MAC地址阻断流量。
loopback-detect action命令用来配置接口的环回检测处理动作。 undo loopback-detect action命令用来恢复接口的缺省环回检测处理动作。 缺省情况下,接口发生环路时,处理动作为系统视图下loopback-detect action命令的配置。 命令格式 loopback-detect action { alarm | error-down | block } undo loopback-detect action...
在Switch的VLAN视图下执行命令loop-detect eth-loop alarm-only,使能MAC-Flapping检测机制。 执行命令display trapbuffer,查看告警信息,找寻是否存在MAC Flapping以及漂移的端口告警。通过告警得知Switch上接口GE0/0/1下接口存在MAC漂移,可以先排查下游设备配置。
The undo loop-detect eth-loop command disables MAC address flapping detection in a VLAN. By default, MAC address flapping detection is disabled in a VLAN. Format loop-detect eth-loop { [ block-mac ] block-time block-time retry-times retry-times | alarm-only } undo loop-detect eth-loop ...
The undo loop-detect eth-loop command disables MAC address flapping detection in a VLAN. By default, MAC address flapping detection is disabled in a VLAN. Format loop-detect eth-loop { [ block-mac ] block-time block-time retry-times retry-times | alarm-only } undo loop-detect eth-loop ...
The undo loop-detect eth-loop command disables MAC address flapping detection in a VLAN. By default, MAC address flapping detection is disabled in a VLAN. Format loop-detect eth-loop { [ block-mac ] block-time block-time retry-times retry-times | alarm-only } undo loop-detect eth-loop ...
The undo loop-detect eth-loop command disables MAC address flapping detection in a VLAN. By default, MAC address flapping detection is disabled in a VLAN. Format loop-detect eth-loop { [ block-mac ] block-time block-time retry-times retry-times | alarm-only } undo loop-detect eth-loop ...
The undo loop-detect eth-loop command disables MAC address flapping detection in a VLAN. By default, MAC address flapping detection is disabled in a VLAN. Format loop-detect eth-loop { [ block-mac ] block-time block-time retry-times retry-times | alarm-only } undo loop-detect eth-loop ...
设备上存在loopback internal误配置,导致MAC漂移,通信异常。 操作步骤 删除L2 Switch上误配置的loopback internal。 在Switch的VLAN视图下执行命令loop-detect eth-loop alarm-only,使能MAC-Flapping检测机制。 执行命令display trapbuffer,查看告警信息,找寻是否存在MAC Flapping以及漂移的端口告警。通过告警得知Switch上接口...