We will lookup values with multiple criteria using the INDEX, MATCH, XLOOKUP, and FILTER functions. Case 1 – Lookup with Multiple Criteria of AND Type in Excel Let’s find an employee with an ID greater than 400 and a salary greater than $40,000. Method 1.1 – Combining INDEX and ...
In the formula, B2:B8 and C2:C8 are the column ranges containing the first and second look up values; F4 and G4 are the references to the cells containing the two criteria; D2:D8 is the result value range. Please change them based on your table range. This formula can also help.=...
In our previous examples, we delved into AND logic, finding the value that meets all of the specified criteria. Now, let's explore how to use XLOOKUP with OR logic, finding values that meet at least one of the conditions. Depending on whether your criteria are in the same column or in...
It becomes quite quickly obvious that the VLOOKUP function is not built for more advanced criteria, I am not using the VLOOKUP function in this example, to keep the formula as small as possible. Array formula in cell D17: =INDEX($D$3:$D$12,MATCH(TRUE,(B3:B12=D14)+(C3:C12=D15)>...
The CONCAT function joins the two values and then the rest of the mechanism will be the same. We will get the result (the team name depending on the criteria). Click Enter to get the output. Case 1.3 – Concatenate with the TEXTJOIN Function Steps: Use the following function in H6. =...
This tutorial will demonstrate how to perform an XLOOKUP with multiple criteria in Excel. If your version of Excel does not support XLOOKUP, read how to use the VLOOKUP instead. XLOOKUP Multiple Criteria Concatenation One common way of performing a multiple criteria XLOOKUP is by concatenating ...
Master Excel's XLOOKUP function with 10 practical examples for exact matches, wildcards, multi-criteria lookups, and more, to improve your spreadsheet skills.
Put all the arguments together and you will get this formula for two-way lookup: =INDEX(B2:E4, MATCH(H1, A2:A4, 0), MATCH(H2, B1:E1, 0)) If you need to do a two-way lookup with more than two criteria, take a look at this article:INDEX MATCH with multiple criteria in rows ...
In this article, we will learn How to LOOKUP value between two numbers in Excel. Scenario: It's easy to look up a value with one criteria in a table. We can simply use VLOOKUP. But what could we do if have that multiple column criteria to match in your data and need to lookup in...
Excel Formula Multiple Criteria Lookup I need a formula that says if this value in column A Sheet 1 equals a value in Column A Sheet 2, and the value in column B Sheet 1 equals a value in Column B Sheet 2 then return the value in Column C......