Put this formula in cellD20to count the unique devices: =COUNTA(UNIQUE(C6:C16)) Case 5.3 – Count Based on Criteria We have the same dataset. We want thetotal countbased on the criteria below. Criteria 1: Brand (Omicorn) Criteria 2: Device (Notebook) The formula is: =COUNTIFS(B6:B1...
Case 2 – Lookup with Multiple Criteria of OR Type in Excel We’ll find an employee who joined before 1 Jan, 2010 or receives a salary greater than $30,000. Method 2.1 – Merging INDEX and MATCH Functions in the Date Range Steps: Use the following formula: =INDEX(C5:C16,MATCH(TRUE...
lookup_array:查找的区域 match_type:可选参数(1、0、-1) 案例:查找冯兴国在B列的位置 大BOSS函数 以一抵十的Subtotal函数,在计算隐藏数据时,有着无法替代的作用 语法:=SUBTOTAL(选择函数类型,ref1,[ref2],...) 选择函数类型:1到11(计算隐藏值),101到111(不计算隐藏值) 案例1 无隐藏数据时求和,sum函...
Ability to use multiple lookup criteria for more precise data retrieval Non-sequential lookup capability, not limited to leftmost column Effective handling of dynamic ranges, adjusting formulas automatically Better error handling, providing alternative results or error messages when lookup value is ...
Then, turn the nested function into anarray formulaby pressingCtrl+Shift+Enter. Finally, add the search terms to the worksheet. This article explains how to create a lookup formula that uses multiple criteria in Excel to find information in adatabaseor table of data by using anarray formula....
Here we have a data table. I want to pull the Name of the customer using Date of Booking, Builder and Area. So here I have three criteria and one lookup range. Write this formula in cell I4 hit enter. =INDEX(E2:E16,MATCH(1,INDEX((I1=A2:A16)*(I2=B2:B16)*(I3=C2:C16),0,1...
You can use VLOOKUP and IF together to perform conditional lookup. For example: =IF(VLOOKUP(A1, Sheet2!A:B, 2, FALSE) > 50, "Pass", "Fail") This formula looks up a value in A1 from Sheet2, and if the corresponding value in column B is greater than 50, it returns "Pass", oth...
Here's the generic INDEX MATCH formula with multiple criteria in rows and columns: {=INDEX(table_array, MATCH(vlookup_value,lookup_column, 0), MATCH(hlookup_value1&hlookup_value2,lookup_row1&lookup_row2, 0))} Where: Table_array- the map or area to search within, i.e. all data val...
Popular Features: Find, Highlight or Identify Duplicates | Delete Blank Rows | Combine Columns or Cells without Losing Data | Round without Formula ... Super VLookup: Multiple Criteria | Multiple Value | Across Multi-Sheets | Fuzzy Lookup... Adv. Drop-down List: Easy Drop Down List | Depen...