1、当strs为空,直接输出“” 2、当strs中含有“”,直接输出“” 3、strs[0]的最长长度由最短公共长度l决定(code line:15) 1classSolution:2#@return a string3deflongestCommonPrefix(self, strs):4ifstrs ==[]:5return""6foriinrange(1,len(strs)):7l1 =len(strs[0])8l2 =len(strs[i])...
使用python解这种题目时有非常多的trick.合理使用可以提速很多. 按行扫不使用trick版本,运行时间60ms.比较慢. classSolution(object):deflongestCommonPrefix(self, strs):""":type strs: List[str] :rtype: str"""ifnotstrs:return""forjinrange(len(strs[0])):foriinrange(1,len(strs)):ifj >= l...
Memory Usage: 12.8 MB, less than 100.00% of Python3 online submissions classSolution:deflongestCommonPrefix(self,strs:List[str])->str:preStr=''ifnotlen(strs):# empty strsreturnpreStrforiinrange(len(strs[0])):firstLetter=strs[0][:i+1]flag=1forsinstrs:ifnots.startswith(firstLetter)...
class Solution(object): def longestCommonPrefix(self, strs): """ :type strs: List[str] :rtype: str """ if not strs: return "" for i in range(len(strs[0])): for string in strs[1:]: # flow, flight if i >= len(string) or string[i] != strs[0][i]: return strs[0...
import pandas as pd class Solution(object): def longestCommonPrefix(self, strs): for i in strs: if len(i) > 200 or len(i) < 1: # 控制列表strs长度 return False if not i.islower(): # 限制strs每一个元素必须为小写 return False strs_dict = {} #为strs的每一个元素创建一个空字...
python # 方法一 时间O(mn),空间O(1) def longest_common_prefix(strs: [str]) -> str: """ 最长公共前缀 -> 纵向扫描 :param strs: [str] :return: str """ if not strs: return '' length, count = len(strs[0]), len(strs) ...
Sample Solution: Python Code: # Define a function 'longest_Common_Prefix' that takes a list of strings 'strs' as input.deflongest_Common_Prefix(strs):# Check if the input list 'strs' is empty, and return an empty string if so.ifnotstrs:return""# Find the minimum length of strings...
classSolution(object):deflongestCommonPrefix(self,strs):""":type strs:List[str]:rtype:str"""ifnot strs:return""foriinrange(len(strs[0])):forstringinstrs[1:]:# flow,flightifi>=len(string)or string[i]!=strs[0][i]:returnstrs[0][:i]returnstrs[0]...
class Solution: def longgestCommonPrefix(self,strs): if len(strs)<1 or len(strs)>200: return None #先获取列表最短字符串长度,即为最大公共前缀的长度上限;同时获取此长度中排最靠前的字符串记录下来 lenth = 100000000000 for elem in strs: if len(elem)< lenth: lenth = len(elem) a = el...
Python 3 实现: 源代码已上传Github,持续更新。 """ 14. Longest Common Prefix Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings. """classSolution:deflongestCommonPrefix(self,strs):""" :type strs: List[str] ...