LONG-TERM MANAGEMENT OF GERD: PROTON PUMP INHIBITORS VERSUS NEWER ENDOSCOPIC INTERVENTIONS VERSUS SURGERY* —Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) affects approximately 20% of the US population and is one of the most common acid-related disorders in US adults....
Clinical practice suggests that a low dose maintenance of PPIs should be used in older patients with GERD. 展开 关键词: GERD long-term management pantoprazole safety efficacy tolerability DOI: 10.2147/ciia.2007.2.1.85 被引量: 8 年份: 2007 ...
However, endoscopy can be associated with the risk of complications, particularly in elderly patients with heart or pulmonary disease, and so use of well validated symptom assessment tools may increasingly have a role in the diagnosis and long term management of GERD in elderly patients. Based on...
Gastro-esophageal reflux disease is a chronic, long standing disease. Spontaneous remissionof GERD is rare and conservative management including life style modification measures isunlikely to relieve symptoms. Majority of patients with reflux disease require long term acidsuppressants. Proton pump inhibitors...
Short-term safety and efficacy of TIF (EsophyX, EndoGastric Solutions) were demonstrated inprevious trialswith up to 12 months of follow-up. In the current study, Trad and colleagues evaluated the durability of these outcomes at 36...
Omeprazole (OME) or antireflux surgery (ARS) in the long term management of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): Results of a multicentre, randomised cl... Omeprazole (OME) or antireflux surgery (ARS) in the long term management of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): Results of a ...
Long-term management of gastrooesophageal reflux disease with omeprazole or open antireflux surgery The efficacy of antireflux surgery (ARS) and omeprazole treatment in the control of gastrooesophageal reflux disease (GORD) are well established. We have c... CJ O'Boyle,DI Watson - 《European Jou...
Learn how to get long-term GERD relief with LINX treatment by Ethicon. Our products are backed by years of experience and a commitment to quality.
12.Long term effects of end-to-end suture on repairing acute closed Achilles tendon ruptures急性闭合跟腱断裂端端缝合术后远期疗效观察 13.Long-term Efficacy of Surgery for Congenital Hydronephrosis in Children小儿先天性肾积水术后远期疗效的观察 14.Management of long-term biliary complications after ortho...
Results of short- and long-term medical treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) Long-term use of PPIs seems to be a safe and efficient treatment for GERD. For the prevention of relapse, similar doses are needed as for the ... T Pohle,W Domschke - 《Langenbecks Archives of ...