ANALYSISOFLONG-TERMENERGYANDCARBONEMISSION SCENARIOSFORINDIA NAIRRAJESH 1,∗ ,P.R.SHUKLA 2 ,MANMOHANKAPSHE 1 ,AMITGARG 3 and ASHISHRANA 4 1 IndianInstituteofManagement,Vastrapur,Ahmedabad380015,India 2 PublicSystemsGroup,IndianInstituteofManagement,Vastrapur,Ahmedabad380015,India 3 ProjectManagementCell,...
IndiaStorage potentialEnergy scenarioLong-term analysisCarbon capture and storage (CCS) might be an important climate protection technology for coal-rich countries. This paper presents first results of a systemic and long-term analysis of a future CCS implementation in India. It focuses on potential ...
For the country's long-term energy needs 'What are your plans to solve the ever-growing energy problems of this coun-try?', a boy asked me at the 100th Indian Science Congress held at Kolkata during 3–7 January 2013, where we, the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL),...
Based on its New Policies Scenario, the International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates a rapid growth of the energy demand in sub-Saharan Africa and in rural and urban India in the next 25 years [1]. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, in the non-OECD regions, the ...
The Long-Range Energy Alternatives Planning System (LEAP) is a scenario-based energy environment modeling tool. LEAP as a database, it provides a comprehensive system for maintaining energy information; as a forecasting tool, it enables the user to make projections of energy supply and demand over...
and apply a statistical learning framework to link scenario characteristics with foreseen PV outcomes. We show that a large portion of the uncertainty in the global scenarios is associated with general features such as the type of organization, energy model and policy assumptions, without referring to...
Soils require the application of biochar to improve degradation. The objective of this study was to evaluate the long-term effects of a field experiment on soil organic matter (SOM), soil organic carbon (SOC), and soil moisture content in Karagwe, Tanzan
In a climate change scenario, it is also worth examining the characteristics of these TCs and their relevant variabilities over the NIO basins for respective seasons. Further, no studies are available for the NIO basins interlinking of key TC parameters particularly its track, intensity categories, ...
The on-site survey has served to define the investment agents used in this study and to inform the status of the current energy technology mix in place in the iron-steel industry in India. A comparison of the resulting scenarios is provided for a range of metrics including long-term ...
In addition, the extended NDC scenario in 2050 is analyzed in the long-term perspective of Thailand showing 30.4 percent reduction when compared to the BAU. The policy implication includes promotion of energy efficiency, acceleration of the deployment of renewable energy and advanced technologies such...