Long-term efficacy of a hepatitis E vaccine. N Engl J Med 2015;372(23):2265. June 4.Zhang , Jun Zhang , Xue-Feng Huang , Shou-Jie Wu , Ting Hu , Yue-Mei Wang , Zhong-Ze Wang , Hua Jiang , Han-Min Wang , Yi-Jun Yan , Qiang Guo , Meng Liu , Xiao-Hui Li , Jing-Xin ...
The long-term efficacy of a hepatitis E vaccine needs to be determined.METHODSIn an initial efficacy study, we randomly assigned healthy adults 16 to 65 years of age to receive three doses of either a hepatitis E vaccine (vaccine group; 56,302 participants) or a hepatitis B vaccine (...
登录/注册 AtaGenix普健生物 已认证账号 2024年2月22日热点速递☟☟☟ #小普日报每天阅读一分钟,行业热点全知道☆ 关键词戊型肝炎 阿巴西普 类风湿关节炎 地舒单抗 瑞法舒坦唑 阿托吉泮 淋病奈瑟菌 今日行业热点#①The Lancet:Long-term efficacy of a recombinant hepatitis E vaccine in adults: ...
Hepatitis B vaccine in health care personnel: safety, immunogenicity, and indicators of efficacy. In a double-blind trial, we randomly assigned 1330 high-risk health care personnel to receive three 20-micrograms doses of hepatitis B vaccine or placebo. Among vaccine recipients 58% responded within...
D Pongpipat,V Suvatte,A Assatteerawats 摘要: Efficacy of HBV vaccine in long term prevention of HBV infection was evaluated at 3 years after vaccination in 38 children and 61 adults. All vaccinees were negative for all HBV markers (HBsAg, anti-HBs and anti-HBc) before vaccination. Vaccines...
文档标签: Assessment of long-term efficacy hepatitis B vaccine 系统标签: vaccine hepatitis efficacy pfaf abelian anyons Non-AbelianStatisticsItsSignaturesInterferenceExperimentsAbstractWereviewanyonstatisicshownon-AbeliananyonsariseMoore-ReadPfaffianstate5/2.Furthermore,wegiveshortoverviewofcomplicationsarisein...
Reports on the effects of long-term vaccination of infants against hepatitis B virus (HBV) implemented in the Gambian villages of Keneba and Manduar. Testing of chronic carriers for HBV DNA and e antigen; Decline of antibody concentrations; Progressive decrease of HBV transmission by chronic carr...
Long-termefficacyofplasma-derivedhepatitisBvaccinea15-yearfollow-up 系统标签: vaccinehepatitischildrenplasmafollowderived Long-termecacyofplasma-derivedhepatitisBvaccine: a15-yearfollow-upstudyamongChinesechildren Su-suLiao a,b, *,Rong-chengLi c ,HuiLi a,b ,Jin-yeYang c ,Xian-jiaZeng a,b , Jia...
LONG-TERM EXPERIENCE WITH HEPATITIS B VACCINE IN TRANSFUSION DEPENDENT THALASSEMIA PATIENTS. 8911996 Abstracts The American Pediatric Society and The Society for Pediatric Researchdoi:10.1203/00006450-199604001-00913Ehab Abou-HeifEssam DohairSallah El Kalla...
Long-term efficacy of recombinant hepatitis B vaccine and risk of natural infection in infants born to mothers with hepatitis B e antigen Chang MH., 1995"Long-term efficacy of recombinant hepatitis B vaccine and risk of natural infection in infants born to mothers with hepatitis B e ... PI ...