Al-Saffar S, Borga P, Hallstrom T: Long-term consequences of unrecognised PTSD in general outpatient psychiatry. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 2002, 37:580-585.Al-Saffar S, Borga P, Hallstrom T (2002). Long-term consequences of unrecognised PTSD in general outpatient psychiatry. Social ...
48 Blanco J-R,Cobos-Ceballos M-J,Navarro F,et al. Pulmonary long-term consequences of COVID-19 infections after hospital discharge. Clin Microbiol Infect 2021;27:892-896. 49 Truffaut L,Demey L,Bruyneel AV,et al. Post-discharge c...
Alicia F.LiebermanJohn Jay College of Criminal Justice CUNY in New YorkPsychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological ProcessesKaplow JB, Saxe GN, Putnam FW, Pynoos RS, Lieberman AF. The long-term consequences of early childhood trauma: a case study and discus- sion. Psychiatry. 2006; 69:362-75....
Childsexual abuse(CSA) is anadverse childhood experience(ACE) that has serious long-term consequences for those who have been victimized. TheCenters for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) estimates that 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 13 boys will experiencesexualabuse before they are ...
In theory, The Woman Accused would have taken months to write, with each author receiving the previous chapters and adding their own, in a version of the game Consequences. In practice, it appears that Banks and Hughes came up with the outline of the story and the transition points for eac...
Rationale The present study provides the first evidence of the long-term consequences of ecstasy use on visual processes thought to reflect serotonergic functions in the occipital lobe. Methylenedioxymethamphetamine ("ecstasy") is known to cause lasting changes to the serotonin system in animals, and ...
Burns are a devastating injury that can cause physical and psychological issues. Limited data exist on long-term mental health (MH) after unintentional burns sustained during childhood. This study assessed long-term MH admissions after paediatric burns.
Veterans who improved in short-term therapy for PTSD, on the other hand, used emotional expression and sublimation strategies. The findings were discussed in terms of the disorder of PTSD, the recovery process, and conceptual models of adaptation to stress. 展开 ...
Activity-dependent tagging of prefrontal engrams in long-term fear and pain Given that the medial prefrontal cortex is one of the most frequently activated brain areas in pain in human imaging studies and animal models8,9,10and is also closely associated with long-term memory storage and retriev...
Although the initial focus during this pandemic was to overcome the death toll, it has now become apparent that many of the patients have been left unable to overcome the devastating long-term effects of this disease and that they are not fully recovering. A new term has emerged to describe...