命名空間: Microsoft.Adapters.OracleDB 組件: Microsoft.Adapters.OracleDB.dll 警告 Long data type is deprecated in Oracle. Refer to Oracle documentation for suggested alternatives C# 複製 [System.ComponentModel.Browsable(true)] [System.Obsolete("Long data type is deprecated in Oracl...
Oracle 中转换long类型到CLOB类型时出现ORA-00997: illegal use of LONG datatype错误。 最后用TO_LOB()函数解决: INSERT INTO T_CLOB SELECT A, TO_LOB(B) FROM T_LONG; Connected to Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release Connected as reporttest SQL> CREATE TABLE T_LO...
2.6 long long Data Type When you compile with -xc99=none, the Solaris Studio C compiler includes the data-types long long, and unsigned long long, which are similar to the data type long. The long long data type stores 64 bits of information; long stores 32 bits of information when ...
ORA-997 非法使用LONG字段类型 ORA-997非法使用LONG字段类型 Oracle在对表记录做插入时,如果使用insert…select…类型的语句,且操作中含有LONG/LONGRAW字段类型,那么会遇到报错ORA-00997:illegaluseofLONGdatatype。 SQL>createtablet1(numnumber,num2long); Tablecreated. SQL>insertintot1values(1,1);...
异常PL/SQL: ORA-00997: illegal use of LONG datatype 建表语句 CREATE TABLE "TEST"."studentScore" ( "studen
jdbc oracle long类型 英文版 JDBC Oracle Long Type In the world of database management systems, Oracle is a popular choice for enterprises seeking robust, secure, and scalable solutions. When interacting with Oracle databases using Java, the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API provides a ...
Oracle 数据库中long,lob类型的区别及转换 ¾字符类:LONG:可变长的字符串数据,最长2G,LONG具有V ARCHAR2列的特性,可以存储 长文本,一个表中最多一个LONG列 ¾二进制类:LONG RAW:可变长二进制数据,最长2G ¾大对象类:CLOB:用来存储单字节的字符数据 NCLOB:用来存储多字节的字符数据 BLOB:用于存储...
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 9.2]: How To Workaround Error: Ora-00997: Illegal Use Of Long Datatype
ORA-00997: illegal use of LONG datatype 既然不支持,Oracle也提供了对应的一些方法来满足我们的需要。 在thomas kyte的书中,对这种实现方法做了详细的解释。 使用的代码如下,基本就是把Long类型转换为varchar2,按照每批4000个字节的容量进行转换。 create or replace package long_help authid current_user as fu...
Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Advanced Analytics and Real Application Testing options ---Use copy command: (TESTDB is the tns entry of source database) SQL> copy from system/oracle@TESTDB create TEST_SQLCL using ...