Oracle's Timestamp data types enhance the Date data type by including fractional seconds and time zone information. It's range is from January 1, 4712 BC to December 31, 9999 AD. Timestamps come in three different flavors: TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE ...
SQL> select column_name,data_type,data_length,data_precision,data_scale from user_tab_cols where table_name='T'; timestamp(6), timestamp(9) 都会占用11个bytes,date占7个bytes,所以精度只要求到秒的,date类型就可以,比timestamp类型节省空间。 另外oracle可以为date类型或timestamp类型指定默认值 sysdat...
对于有些官方不建议使用的数据类型(如LONG,LONG RAW等)此处不在说明。
Date Datatype As with the NUMERIC datatype, Oracle stores all dates and times in a standard internal format. The standard Oracle date format for input takes the form of DD-MON-YY HH:MI:SS, where DD represents up to two digits for the day of the month, MON is a three-character abbrev...
定义variable o_date Date时,应该和过程中出参类型一致,应该这样:variable o_date orders.order_date%type 这样就可以了。
static DataType DATE A constant that represents the DATE data type. static int DATE_CATEGORY A constant that represents a category of DATE data types. static int DATETIME_CATEGORY A constant that represents a category of DATE and TIMESTAMP data types. static int DATETIME_OR_INTERVAL_CATEGORY...
Number Datatype Number[(p[,s])] p - Precision(total number of digits) (1~38) s - Scale(number of digits to the right of decimal point) (-84~127) 1~21 bytes (see dump in Internal Numeric Format section) Fixed-pointNumber(p,s) ...
在Name 域中输入 BIRTHDATE,Data type 选择 DATE。然后单击 Add Column 图标。 7. 在Name 域中输入 RELATION,并在 Size 域中输入 25。然后单击 Add Column 图标。 8. 在Name 域中输入 GENDER 并在Size 域中输入 1。然后单击 Add Column 图标。 9. 在Name 域中输入 RELATIVE_ID,Datatype 选择 NUMBER,并...
v_date date; 定一个布尔变量,不能为空,初始值为false; v_bool boolean not null defalut false; 注:pl/sql中使用标量并给其赋初值的方式不同于其他的编程语言,需要在等号前加":" 2.2、标量使用的案例 作用:变量是存放pl/sql块中最普通的变量 输入一个员工号,显示雇员的姓名、工资、个人所得税(税率为...
DATEDateTimeDateTime FLOATSingle, Double, DecimalFloat, Double, NumberSizedetermines theSystem.Data.DBTypeandOracleType. INTEGERSByte, Int16, Int32, Int64, DecimalSByte, Int16, Int32, NumberSizedetermines theSystem.Data.DBTypeandOracleType.