Older adults tend to focus their attention primarily on close family members and the emotional components of social interactions. So, with the lack of social resources, shrinking of social networks, and less social engagement, they are more likely to suffer social frailty. The convoy model provides...
Lonely but not alone: Emotional Isolation and Social Isolation as Two Distinct Dimensions of Loneliness in Older People, Educational and Psychological Measurement, 2001, 1, 119-135;10,1177/00131640121971103Search in Google Scholar
Older people living with chronic health conditions are at a greater risk of experiencing loneliness, and in turn, loneliness could damage their health status [10, 20, 21, 53]. Biological mediators of this relationship have also previously been demonstrated via poorer regulation of inflammation [54...
2021. “Social Isolation and Loneliness among Older People: Advocacy Brief.” License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO. Xiang, David Haosen, and Alisha Moon Yi. 2020. “A Look Back and a Path Forward: Poetry’s Healing Power during the Pandemic.” Journal of Medical Humanities 41: 603–608. https...
Longitudinal studies of loneliness have focused on older people. People who get married for the first time are not included, probably because there are not enough of them. Results show that people who become widowed experience more loneliness than they did when they were married (Victor and Bowli...
V.M.:Loneliness is a problem that affects people of all age groups. And we tend to think that, you know, it’s just older people, you know, who after they retire and when their friends are no longer with them, that they get lonely. This is actually not the case. It’s not only...
As they get older, they “feel they have to get into a gender straitjacket” and define their masculinity primarily as not being feminine. By the age of 15, many boys start saying they don’t need friends and worrying that close friendships will make them seem “girly”. This “clash of...
those feeling isolated to get out and interact with others. If you have a passion or a hobby, it can “break the ice” and make it easier to connect with others. This hobby may be valuable for those who tend to feel isolated within groups of people due to a lack of common interests...
In cases 1–3, the persons feel lonely primarily due to external reasons. A would not feel lonely if they were able to call or meet their friends; it's just that their friends are currently unavailable. B hasn’t made contact with the people around them yet, but the possibility of conn...
with some of them not primarily conceived to measure SIL, thus making comparisons across studies difficult. Additionally, many of these studies used cross-sectional design and covered very small and not generally representative samples. Thus, the estimation of the prevalence of SIL among people with...