In 2023 the US Surgeon General announced an epidemic of loneliness and isolation. Prolonged loneliness among older adults has been shown to predict dementia and cardiovascular disease (CVD). However, exercise has been demonstrated to have preventive effects on CVD and cognitive health, but its ...
One obvious reason is COVID-19, which has forced people to socially distance or isolate themselves, and has severely limited in-person interactions, especially for older adults. Another reason is the increasing evidence of its negative effects on our health — like that loneliness is as harmful ...
aResearchers have studied the negative effects of loneliness for people as young as 5 years old to those in later adulthood . Older adults generally report greater satisfaction with family members over time (Carstensen, 1992) and are more satisfied with the size of their social networks than youn...
‘Loneliness among Older Adults in the Netherlands, Italy, and Canada: A Multifaceted Comparison’, Canadian J. on Aging, 23(2), pp.169-180. Google Scholar [21] Mayer, R.C., Schoorman, F.D., (1998). ‘Differentiating Antecedents of Organizational Commitment: A Test of March and Simon...
The feeling of loneliness, social restrictions or domestic violence, and level of concern related to COVID-19 have also been indicated as factors contributing to the deterioration of the mental well-being of older adults [12]. Although men suffer higher mortality and morbidity from COVID-19, ...
The present study aimed to explore the effects of square dancing on global cognition, depressive symptoms, balance, and quality of life of older adults with mild cognitive impairment. We studied 66 older adults with mild cognitive impairment in a large nursing home. Participants were assigned to ...
It became evident from the current study that the availability of evidence on the effects of non-medical interventions aiming to support older women with VCF is limited, to say the least. The trials included in this review have few limitations and were mainly considered to be of moderate ...
Living arrangements of older adults in the Netherlands and Italy: Coresidence values and behaviour and their consequences for loneliness Value studies indicate that the process of individualization in Europe started in Sweden and Norway, and continued via France and the Netherlands; the sout... JENNY...
The results of multigroup analyses using a sample of 618 school-going adolescents showed that the effect of social connectedness on loneliness varies across different subgroups of age and gender. Specifically, parent connectedness predicts lower loneliness for older males. For older females, parent ...
Since December 2019, when it was first reported in Wuhan, province of Hubei, China, the new virus SARS-CoV-2 has spread rapidly around the world and has become a global pandemic. During the COVID-19 pandemic, due to the public health measures implemented