London 2012 Video Game - Discord Announcement In 2012/2013, you might've heard about a game calledLondon 2012: Official Videogame of the Olympics. It was a popular game, that was delisted long ago on Steam. Still, some people have the game on Steam and I do too as a lucky...
I am now told by T’BBC of anauctionwhere one can buy London 2012 momentos. Bradley Wiggins’ and Jess Ennis’ stuff is the most popular, so they’re bound to be out of my price-range. I’m off to bid for some of Kriss Akabusi’s broadcasting talent. Apparently there’s not much ...
In 1967, with coal-fired steam tugs being replaced by diesel-engined ships, she was laid up to be scrapped. But it wasn’t the end for the Portwey, which was bought by Richard Dobson, the assistant harbour master at Dartmouth. Along with a group of friends, he returned her to working...
A Dutch-built tugboat, theKnocker White(originally called the steam tugCairnrock) was built in 1924 by T Van Duijvendijk’s yard at Lekkerkek near Rotterdam, Netherlands for Harrisons (London) Lighterage Ltd. Following the installation of a steam engine and boiler at Great Yarmouth, the steel...
There's a strange additional plural applied at Lincoln's Inn Square (above), something that I pointed out to one of the cabbies there because he asked why I was taking a photo of a toilet. But when I explained that the ladies loo is just LADIES not LADIESS, he just smiled inanely at...
Pathak, ShareenHall, Emma
London had been preparing for the 2012 Olympics all the time. On May 5, the Olympic Stadium(体育场) opened in east London. Schoolchildren in London were the stars of the day. Niamh Clarke-Willis is 9. She pressed the button(启动按钮) to open the Olympic Stadium with London 2012 Chairman...
Lock’s association with Lord Nelson was remembered in 2012 when it designed a hat for his statue atop Nelson’s Column in Trafalgar Square which featured a full-sized Olympic torch and which, due to popular demand, was left on the admiral for the duration of the Olympics. ...
The Angel Islington is also, of course, a property on the Monopoly board (one of the cheapest in reflection of the area’s standing at the time of the game’s creation, before the gentrification that took place there in the 1980s). ...