3The London 2012 Olympic Games marked the third time that London ___ the right to host the modern Olympic. A. had had B. has C. had D. has had 4 The London 2012 Olympic Games marks the third time that London ___ the right to host the modern Olympics. A . had had?? ???
2012年伦敦奥运会的开幕式散发着一股独特的英伦气息,那就是自由和活力。85岁高龄的伊丽莎白女皇二世在007的陪同下“跳伞”空降伦敦碗,真够英伦范! 伊丽莎白二世女皇空降伦敦碗 Queen Elizabeth showed off her sense of humour by pretending to jump out of a helicopter(直升飞机)for the London Olympics Games’ ...
London ___the 2012 Olympic Games.( ) A. hold B. holds C. is holding D. held 相关知识点: 语法 词法 动词时态 一般过去时 试题来源: 解析 D 句意:伦敦举办了2012年奥运会.从the 2012 Olympic Games判断已经过去,用一般过去时.故选:D.伦敦举办了2012年奥运会.本题考查一般过去时,学生需抓表示...
london2012olympicgames听写 今天一起来聊聊伦敦2012年奥运会,那可是一场超级盛大、超级精彩的体育盛会! 想象一下,2012年的伦敦,整个城市都热闹得像过年一样。大街小巷都挂满了奥运会的彩旗,人们的脸上都洋溢着兴奋和喜悦。来自世界各地的运动员们齐聚伦敦,他们就像一群闪闪发光的超级英雄,带着自己的梦想和努力,准备...
解析 【解析】was 核心短语/词汇:great:极好的 翻译:2012年伦敦奥运会很好。 解析:根据所给单词提示可知句意:2012年伦敦 奥运会很好。这句话应该用一般过去时态。Olymp ic Games如果是泛指“奥运会”,算复数,而具体到 哪一届就算单数了。所以这里be动词用was,故答 案为:was ...
Londonolympicmascot Wenlock (洛克) Page6 Londonolympicvenues Page7 ThehistoryofLondonSummerOlympic Thefirsttime:the1908 LondonOlympicGames Thesecond:the1948 LondonOlympicGames Thethird:the2012 LondonOlympicGames Page8 TheeventoftheOlympicGames Football ...
2The London 2012 Olympic Games marked the third time that London ___ the right to host the modern Olympic.A.had hadB.hasC.hadD.has had 3The London 2012 Olympic Games marked the third time that London ___ the right to host the modern Olympic. A. had had B. has C. had D. has...
Find out who took home gold, silver and bronze in 2012. Official results of the athletics 20km race walk women event at the London Summer Olympics.
1The 2012 Olympic Games in London next month. We are looking forward to it.A.will holdB.was heldC.will be held 2The 2012 Olympic Games ___ in London.We are looking forward to it.( )A. will holdB. was heldC. will be held 3 The 2012 Olympic Games ___ in London.We are lo...