Lombok is installed in STS, I've been using it on multiple other projects. I've imported a new project, tried Maven -> update project, tried cleaning projects. Issue is only with the@Dataannotation, it gives a red line underneath and shows the message "The annotation@Generatedis disallowed...
Database & Persistence REST Web Services Maven Enablement View All Register Log In 0 Items lombok not working MyEclipse IDE > Spring Development Tagged:#lombok,#SpringBoot This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated2 years, 1 month agobyscholarshipspost. ...
I upgraded my spring boot project from 2.3 to 3.1 , I do not get any red markers in my code,but when I try to build the project, I get these errors: Lombok works in STS: The build works upto spring boot version 3, but when I change it to 3, These errors pop up. But when I...
an @Entity class, with lombok @Getter and @Setter (not @Data). I'm overriding equals and hashcode, must use getId() … intellij says it can't find it. If I remove @Getter and create my own getters, intellij complains about wanting to add @Getter but I prevent the compile...
an @Entity class, with lombok @Getter and @Setter (not @Data). I'm overriding equals and hashcode, must use getId() … intellij says it can't find it. If I remove @Getter and create my own getters, intellij complains about wanting to add @Getter but I prevent the compile error...
@DatapublicclassProduct{privateInteger productId;privateString productName;privateDouble productPrice;} 编译Product类,查看编译后的文件 包含了getter、setter、toString、equals和hashCode五个方法 @Val 弱语言变量,可以接受任何类型的参数 在Product方法中增加构造函数,使用val定义变量并接受不同类型的数据 ...
The current IntelliJ IDEA 2024.3.2.2 version incorporates a fix that eliminates the need for explicit version addition in pom.xml. Nice! not working with the latest IntelliJ ID (IntelliJ IDEA 2024.3.2). It's not recognizing the methods when building the
It's not recognizing the methods when building the project, for example: java: cannot find symbol symbol: method getId(). However, the IDE recognizes the methods while I'm coding. 0 fas2121666 days ago Annotations are not working with the latest IntelliJ ID +1 hailrake12-bit1 week ...
@Data public class ClientAccount { @Size(max = 30) private String accountName; @Size(max = 50) private String accountReference; @NotNull @Size(max = 32) private String clientId; @NotNull @Size(max = 64) private String clientSecretKey; ...
@Data on parent and child should be marked as compilation error Fixed #393: @Builder with @Singular map produces duplicated variables Fixed #399: IndexNotReadyException in FieldFindUsagesHandler Fixed #412: @Accessors(fluent = true) does not impact @Wither but the plugin assumes it does 0.14 ...