The New Weibull Lomax DistributionMaha ShabbirNazish NoorAyesha RiazHina Gull
For any continuous baseline G distribution, Zografos and Balakrishnan [On families of beta- and generalized gamma-generated distributions and associated inference. Statist Methodol. 2009;6:344362] proposed a generalized gamma-generated distribution with an extra positive parameter. A new three-parameter ...
要:研究了在熵损失函数下,两参数Lomax分布中形状参数的Bayes估计、多层Bayes估计及E_Bayes估计。 关键词:Lomax分布;熵损失函数;Bayes~计;多层Bayes估计;E-Bayes估计 中图分类号:O212.8 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009—3583(2011)-06-0107—03 TheBayesEstimationOfShapeParameterOfLOmaxDistribution ...
Bayesian inference for two populations of Lomax distribution under joint progressive Type‐II censoring schemes with engineering applications doi:10.1002/qre.3633MARKOV chain Monte CarloMAXIMUM likelihood statisticsBAYESIAN field theoryCONFIDENCE intervalsCENSORSHIPThe joint progressive Type‐II censoring s...
meansfromthetwo-parametersLomaxdistribution. Firstly,undertheassumptionthatthescaleparameterAisknown,westudytheproblem ofBayesestimationoftheparameter6basedonrecordvaluesfromthetwo-parametersLo maxdistribution.Onthebasisofit,wemayusethemomentestimationapproachtogetthe ...
The Lomax distribution also known as Pareto distribution of the second kind or Pearson Type VI distribution has been used in the analysis of income data, and business failure data. It may describe the lifetime of a decreasing failure rate component as a heavy tailed alternative to the exponentia...
The Transmuted Weibull Lomax Distribution: Properties and Application A new five parameter model is proposed and stutied. The new distribution generalizes the Weibull Lomax distribution introduced by Tahir et al. (2015) and is referred to as transmuted Weibull Lomax (TWL) distribution. Various ...
In this paper, a modified form of the traditional inverse Lomax distribution is proposed and its characteristics are studied. The new distribution which called modified logarithmic transformed inverse Lomax distribution is generated by adding a new shape parameter based on logarithmic transformed method. ...
In this paper, we have discussed the estimation procedure for two parameter Lomax distribution under Type-II hybrid censoring scheme. The maximum likelihoo... AS Yadav - 《International Journal of Data Science》 被引量: 1发表: 2017年 A study on step stress partially accelerated life test under...
In this paper the Lomax distribution is considered as a model for ratings data and the corresponding ROC curve is derived. The maximum likelihood estimation procedure for the related parameters is discussed. This procedure is then illustrated in the analysis of a neurological data example. 展开 ...