maxdistribution.Onthebasisofit,wemayusethemomentestimationapproachtogetthe estimationofpriorparametersaandbandgettheempiricalBayesestimationofparameter 9.Thenwegivethediscussionofadmissibilityofestimatorsintheformof(cT+d)_1based onGammapriordensity.Inordertocomparethemeansquarederrorsofdifferentestimators, ...
The simulation results and real data analysis showed that the Anderson-Darling estimates have the smallest mean square errors among all other estimates. Also, the analysis of the real data sets showed that the traditional inverse Lomax distribution and some of its generalizations have...
A new three-parameter continuous distribution called the gamma-Lomax distribution, which extends the Lomax distribution is proposed and studied. Various structural properties of the new distribution are derived including explicit expressions for the moments, generating and quantile functions, mean deviations...
The simulation results and real data analysis showed that the Anderson-Darling estimates have the smallest mean square errors among all other estimates. Also, the analysis of the real data sets showed that the traditional inverse Lomax distribution and some of its generalizations have shortcomings in...
Lomax distribution has been widely used in economics, business and actuarial sciences. Due to its importance, we consider the statistical inference of this model under joint type-II censoring scenario. In order to estimate the parameters, we derive the Newton-Raphson(NR) procedure and we observe ...
These methods are compared by using mean square error through simulation study with varying sample sizes. The study aims to find out a suitable estimator of the parameter of the distribution. Finally, we analyze one data set for illustration. 展开 ...
Some mathematical properties of the new generator including ordinary and incomplete moments, quantile and generating functions, mean and median deviations, distribution of the order statistics and some entropy measures are presented. We discuss the estimation of the model parameters by maximum likelihood....
Furthermore, in all cases, the mean squared error diminishes as the sample size grows, indicating that the estimates of parameter are consistent. Modelling to medical data and the percentage of household spending on education out of total household expenditure from the household income, expenditure ...
Lomax distributionMcDonald distributionmaximum-likelihood estimationmean deviationPareto type Ⅱ distributionA new five-parameter continuous distribution, the so-called McDonald Lomax distribution, that extends the Lomax distribution and some other distributions is proposed and studied. The model has as ...
Lomax distributiongamma distributiongamma-Lomax distributiongenerating functionmean deviationmomentFor any continuous baseline G distribution, Zografos and Balakrishnan [On families of beta- and generalized gamma-generated distributions and associated inference. Statist Methodol. 2009;6:344362] proposed a ...