The best Urgot Synergy champions based on win rate in League of Legends. The highest win rate champions to play with Urgot in Patch 14.21.
The best Yasuo Synergy champions based on win rate in League of Legends. The highest win rate champions to play with Yasuo in Patch 14.21.
Build Path: Haunting Guise + Blasting Wand + 850 Gold ⇒ Haunting Guise + Fated Ashes + 800 Gold Total Gold Cost: Unchanged Verdant Barrier Build Path: Null-Magic Mantle + Amplifying Tome + Amplifying Tome + 450 Gold ⇒ Null-Magic Mantle + Amplifying Tome + Amplifying Tome + 350 Gold ...
For patch 13.7 in League of Legends we'll be trying out a few targeted nerfs on some of the best performing Champions in ARAM. They are especially powerful on Howling Abyss due to them getting tremendous value out of specific (and potentially frustrating) parts of their kit on the smaller ...
Dusuludsdu Rank:User Rep:None (0) Status:Offline Recent Activity Guides, Discussions, & Media Blog Favorites More About Me BuildsVideosThreadsQuestionsTier ListsTeam Comps Mobafire Build GuidesLast Update|Last Comment Hybrid Off Tank Utility Movement Heimer (ARAM)Created:Oct 20th, 2015Last updated...
Urgot Riot Games Mana, mana regen growth increased. Passive no longer deals reduced damage to the same target. W shield removed; cost, cooldown, damage reduction decreased; now a permanent toggle at max rank. E now shields; damage and cost increased; cooldown decreased. R range, damage, ca...