Urgot Jungle Synergy The 3 best Jungle Synergy picks good with Urgot are Lillia, Brand, and Diana. # Win Pick Game 1 55.65% 2.26% 124 2 60.48% 1.13% 62 3 61.54% 0.95% 52 4 57.26% 1.13% 62 5 57.00% 0.91% 50 6 52.21% 2.48% ...
The best Yasuo Synergy champions based on win rate in League of Legends. The highest win rate champions to play with Yasuo in Patch 14.21.
54.41% Rengar 34 games WR 54.41% Cassiopeia 34 games WR 54.41% Viego 34 games WR 54.41% Urgot 116 games + 4% + 15% + 4% + 6% Gangplank 118 games + 6% + 5% + 3% Sion 76 games + 5% WR 52.63% WR 49.07% Pantheon 166 games ...
Urgot 32 games WR 59.38% + 17% GD@15 319 Urgot WR59.38% 32 games GD@15 258 Camille WR51.79% 56 games + 7% GD@15 239 Aatrox WR48.85% 130 games + 20% + 7% + 7% GD@15 232 Sett WR45.37% 54 games + 12% GD@15 175 Gragas ...
Recommended Riven Counter Picks and Champion Matchups. We also included Champions That Are Good With Riven in 14.21.
+ 2% WR 54.49% Garen 116 games + 3% WR 53.45% + 1% Jax 70 games + 2% + 1% + 2% Akali 34 games WR 51.47% Tryndamere 38 games ⮩ + 2% + 2% + 2% WR 49.39% Urgot 40 games WR 50.00% Pantheon 40 games WR 50.00% Darius ...